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40 <br />BID PROPOSAL_ <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />SHOOTING RANGE - SITEWORK <br />IRC BID #8088 <br />COUNTY PROJE=CT #9629A <br />Proposal TJN E. i i I t .t -`�r .'% �. I( t t <br />g (Bi tier's Nam <br />e)-� <br />i +UCC >1�.Lr"���r'1 tit'•,'-•'r�e��. <br />'- (Bidder's Address) <br />to famish and deliver all materials and to do and perform all work in accordance with the <br />Contract Documents <br />TO: Purchasing Department <br />Indian River County <br />9 2625 19th Avenue <br />Vero Beach, FL 32960 <br />Gentlemen: <br />The undersigned Bidder has carefully examined the Contract Documents and the site of <br />the work and is familiar with the nature and extent of the work and any local conditions that <br />'@ may in any manner affect the work to be done, and the equipment, materials and labor <br />required. <br />The undersigned agrees to do all the work and fumish all materials called for by said ,plans <br />Jand specifications, in the manner prescribed therein, in accordance with the Contract <br />Documents and to the standards of quality and performance established by the County,. <br />for the unit prices stated in the spaces herein provided, for each of the items or <br />1 combination of items stipulated. It is understood that certain quantities shown in the <br />schedule are approximate only, subject to increase or decrease and for the purpose of bid <br />comparisons for determination of low Bidder It is further understood that payment will be <br />in accordance with quantities placed in (tie construction as more specifically provided in <br />the Instruction to [udders and Technical Specifications included as part of the Contract <br />Documents,. <br />W 1. To do any extra work, not covered by the Itemized Bid Schedule of prices, which <br />! may be ordered by the Engineer upon authorization by the County Commission, <br />I d and to accept as full compensation therefore such ;prices as may be agreed upon <br />in writing by the Engineer and the Contractor in accordance with 'General <br />Conditions. <br />2. Within ten (10) days from the date of acceptance of this proposal, to exams,= <br />�# a Perl[orrnam§J%Qnd In an ammm <br />t�1Q4°I° of C v 3111111 3'�Rj El n iIn n am unty <br />4Lt[a t arise. The Contractor shall provide two (2) separate <br />BID PROMSAL <br />9P•t <br />