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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />RYAN L. BUTLER, CLERK <br />PSAPs, may be eligible for grant funding for one backup PSAP. Geo - <br />diverse systems may be considered one PSAP for the purpose of grant <br />funding. <br />6.2.3. Except for NGCS, selective router equipment costs are limited to a <br />primary PSAP system. <br />6.2.4. Training cost funding is limited to the new system and equipment <br />training. <br />6.2.5. The allowable grant funding for travel expenses is limited to the <br />authorized amounts established in Section 112.061, Florida Statutes, <br />and the Department of Financial Services Guidelines for State <br />Expenditures. <br />7. Approval and Award <br />7.1. The E911 Board will review each application for compliance with the <br />requirements of terms and conditions. <br />7.2. DMS grant agreements shall be signed by an authorized signatory authority for <br />the county after the grant is approved. <br />7.3. Grant awards will be withheld for any county, group of counties, or region that <br />has a grant with a past -due quarterly report or past -due final documentation and <br />closeout of previous E911 Board grant awards. Grant awards are eligible to be <br />withheld if the county, group of counties, or region is not in compliance with Board <br />reporting requirements. <br />7.4. Applications will be awarded based upon the priorities set by the E911 Board as <br />listed in Addendum I - Funding Priorities for the 911 Grant Programs. <br />7.5. The E911 Board will adjust the amount awarded to a county, group of counties, <br />or region based upon the availability of funds, the reasonableness of the cost of <br />requested items, published quotes, increased effectiveness of grant funds, <br />minimum system requirements for performing the needed E911 function as <br />specified in section 365.173(2)(g)1.,2., and 3., Florida Statutes, E911 State Plan, <br />or documented factors provided in the grant application submission. NG911 <br />network systems should include a comparative presentation of network <br />alternatives, including applicable LEC, CLEC, County, group of counties or <br />region, and State alternatives. All stepped pricing should be thoroughly <br />explained, including the corresponding benefits for the county, group of counties <br />or region, and the E911 Board. <br />8. Financial and Administrative Requirements <br />8.1. Grant funds are provided on a cost -reimbursement basis. <br />8.2. Each grantee shall submit reimbursement claims to the E911 Board as needed; <br />however, each county is limited to only a single claim request per grant, per <br />Application and instructions for 911 Grant Programs, revised May 2023 <br />W Form 3A, incorporated by reference in Fla. Admin. Code R. 60FF1-5.003 911 Grant Programs <br />10 <br />