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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />RYAN L. BUTLER, CLERK <br />5.14. Funding application requests must include all necessary costs required for full <br />implementation of the proposed solution including that of any third party. Should <br />the county, group of counties or region grant application request or grant award <br />be less than the projected cost of the equipment or service, the county, group of <br />counties or region should provide verification of the ability to fund the difference. <br />Pricing submitted cannot be contingent upon "yet to be" determined fees for <br />products and services by the proposer or any other third party required for <br />implementation. <br />5.15. The county shall provide information on the county's preceding year E911 fee <br />revenue amount and the preceding year's carryforward amount. Use Form 6A in <br />Rule 60FF1-5.006(2), F.A.C. for this purpose. The form can be submitted <br />during the annual collection of county fiscal data for the annual report or with the <br />grant application. <br />5.16. A state grant award may be limited by the carry forward balance. <br />5.17. Detailed information is required for any grant application requesting funding for <br />systems that require immediate system replacement for provisioning of <br />enhanced 911 in the county, group of counties, or region. Include detailed <br />justification and explanation for any 911 system with an expected remaining life <br />of less than one year. <br />5.18. Funding application requests contingent upon "beta testing" or products and <br />services not in general production and installation will not be funded. <br />6. Guidelines for 911 Grant Expenses <br />6.1. The following expenses will not be funded through grant award: <br />6.1.1. Salaries and associated expenses for 911 coordinators, call takers, or <br />other 911 personnel <br />6.1.2. Wireline database costs <br />6.1.3. Vehicle expenses <br />6.2. Funding limitations are specified on the following items: <br />6.2.1. Hosted 911 answering point call -taking equipment and network <br />services, recurring network and circuit costs, equipment maintenance <br />and warranty costs will not be funded for more than the first-year <br />implementation period. <br /> Service contracts for Next Generation 911 Regional Projects <br />can be approved for up to 5 years on a case-by-case basis. Ongoing <br />cybersecurity maintenance may be approved on an annual basis. <br />6.2.2. Grant funding shall be limited (per grant cycle) to eligible expenditures <br />for one PSAP per county, either one primary or one secondary PSAP. <br />Counties with only one PSAP with no other primary or secondary <br />Application and instructions for 911 Grant Programs, revised May 2023 <br />W Form 3A, incorporated by reference in Fla. Admin. Code R. 60FF1-5.003 911 Grant Programs <br />9 <br />