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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />RYAN L. BUTLER, CLERK <br />on section 287.057(3)(c), Florida Statutes, shall be provided with this <br />grant application. <br />5.9. Applicants requesting items from different funding priorities should complete a <br />separate Budget Report (Rule 60FF1-5.0035(1), F.A.C) for each priority. See <br />Addendum 2 - Funding Priorities for the 911 Grant Programs, for a listing of <br />funding priorities. Items from the same funding priorities should be combined in <br />the same Budget Report and shall comply with General Conditions, item 5.9. <br />5.10. An individual county application must include: <br />5.10.1. A detailed description of line item and cost. This would include the <br />item, model, or version. Additional information requests shall be made <br />for more clarification, as needed. <br />5.10.2. If possible, software service/maintenance dates. <br />5.10.3. Budget Report. <br />5.10.4. Most current Form 6A in Rule 60FF1-5.006(2), F.A.0 The form can be <br />submitted during the annual collection of county fiscal data for the <br />annual report or with the grant application. <br />5.11. Should a region or a group of counties apply for a grant, the following additional <br />information needs to be provided: <br />5.11.1. A summary of the costs for the entire region or group of counties <br />detailing the following: <br />a) Total amount of funds being requested. <br />b) The scope of work (SOW) that clearly establishes the tasks and <br />deliverables being performed for the successful completion of the <br />project. All deliverables must be directly related to the SOW and <br />include information on how the region will be interoperable. <br />c) Single source documentation if applicable. <br />d) All individual county application(s), see requirements in 5.11. <br />5.12. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) or an inter -local agreement from all <br />counties involved must be completed within 3 months of E911 Board award. <br />5.13. Funding application requests must include a scope of work that establishes the <br />tasks and deliverables to be performed. The applications shall include all tasks <br />that are required for the successful completion of the project. The project shall <br />be divided into quantifiable units of deliverables that shall be received and <br />accepted in writing by the county, group of counties, or region before payment. <br />Each deliverable must be directly related to the scope of work and must specify <br />the required minimum level of service to be performed and the criteria for <br />evaluating the successful completion of each deliverable. <br />Application and instructions for 911 Grant Programs, revised May 2023 <br />W Form 3A, incorporated by reference in Fla. Admin. Code R. 60FF1-5.003 911 Grant Programs <br />N <br />
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