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40 <br />Contract #SD609AA <br />VIIi. DRAFT SURFACE WATER MONITORING PROPOSAL FOR INDIAN RIVER <br />COUNTY'S VE'RO LAKES ESTATES PROJECT; <br />Introduction: <br />COUNTY has proposed a balanced and comprehensive approach to stormwater management in <br />order to minimize pollutant discharges from Vero Lakes Estates. The final Water Quality <br />Monitoring Plan will be developed in coordination with DISTRICT and FDEP. The final Plan <br />will be designed to improve: water quality and cnntiply with maintenance and monitoring <br />requirements. <br />Baseline Data: <br />COUNTY will submit a Baseline Water Quality Monitoring Plan to DISTRICT for approval by <br />December 15, 1999 which includes sampling protocols and specific sampling sites identification. <br />COUNTY will conduct baseline data collection to establish current water quality conditions <br />through five (5) grab samples during the months of January (2 samples from each canal); <br />February (2 samples from each canal); March (I sample from each canal prior to initiation of <br />excavation work under task 7); testing for the parameters listed on the next page of this scope, <br />within Canals A, B and C in the Vero Lakes Estates Project Arca. COUNTY will submit the <br />results of the baseline water quality monitoring to DISTRICT 's Project Manager in March 2000. <br />COUNTY will use the baseline data collected and best available data for establishing water <br />quality standards for the various BMPs to he constructed. Data collected during pre -construction <br />monitoring activities will be used as well as data from technical literature and reports. <br />The effectiveness of this project in reducing stormwater loadings will be quantified via a <br />minitnum of twelve (12) water quality monitoring samplings following completion of the <br />construction tasks. This monitoring shall include monthly monitoring of canal surface waters <br />during non -rain fall conditions. These measurements will he repeated during storm events. <br />During these events, water samples shall be collected through the use of hand -samplers or <br />automated stunplers, when available. After significant rainfall events, COUNTY will take <br />upstream and downstream water samples either by automated in situ instrumentation or by <br />manual sampling. The samples will be analyzed for appropriate constituents based upon baseline <br />data and permit requirements. Flow shall be monitored to enable pollutant loadings to be <br />calculated. A full list of (lie parameters is presented below. <br />Additionally, sediment grabs within the canals will be periodically sampled for analysis. The <br />total phosphorus and nitrogen of these sediments will be treasured. Sediments will be analyzed <br />for trace metals (the 13 with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's [EPA] priority pollutant <br />metals) as well as petroleum hydrocarbons. Grain size characteristics will also be quantified. <br />The total amount of sediment retained within these structures will be measured to enable the <br />overall effectiveness of these structures to be characterized. <br />A final water and sediment duality monitoring report will be submitted to DISTRICT'S Project <br />Manager by April 2002. This report will include a summary of base lane conditions, post - <br />construction water quality results and determination of the percentage of TSS reduction achieved <br />Page 19 of 28 <br />