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St Johns River Water Management District
Vero Lake Estates Stormwater System Retrofit and Wabasso Causeway Park Improvements Project
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tui <br />Contract NSD509AA <br />EXHIBIT "B" - SCOPE OF WORK <br />WABASSO CAUSEWAY PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT <br />1. INTRODUCTION: <br />The Wabasso Causeway (CR510) crosses the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) in north Indian River <br />County. The Wabasso Causeway Paris encompasses 2 spoil islands, which were constnicted to <br />support the bridges that make-up the causeway. These islands have eroding shorelines causing <br />siltation in the IRL and causing negative impaets to adjacent seagrass and oyster beds. <br />Constructed in 1970, one of the last causeways placed in the lagoon, the Wabasso Causeway <br />serves as an important public amenity, providing recreational facilities, such as a boat launching <br />ramp, fishing pier, restrooms, picnic pavilions, and other amenities associated with public <br />recreation and waterfront navigation. In 1999, COUNTY initiated a project to improve the <br />causeway through landscaping, improving and stabilizing the boat ramp, redefining the parking <br />area, building permanent restroom facilities, adding a shower, and stabilizing the shoreline with <br />coquina revetment and establishment of stormwater detention swales to reduce runoff. <br />Under Phase I of the project, COUNTY, with a grant from the Florida Inland Navigation District <br />(FIND), have produced a detailed design and received permits for the causeway improvements. <br />Utilizing another grant, from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), COUNTY has <br />installed landscaping enhancements in front of the park areas, along the roadway. Under Phase <br />11, COUNTY will continue upgrading the amenities on the causeway, installing water and sewer <br />liners, sidewalks, new bathroom building, a shower, additional landscaping, and coquina rock <br />revetments alang the shoreline with storrnwater detention areas landward of the stabilized <br />shoreline. COUNTY has received funding assistance for Phase 1I from FDOT's Highway <br />Beautification Grant Program ($150,000) and FIND's Waterways Assistance Program <br />($120,000), and is seeking funding assistance from DISTRICT's IRL Program ($100,000). <br />COUNTY is contributing $157,000 towards Phase 11 construction costs. The "St. Johns River <br />Water Management District" name shall be added to the four (4) project signs and two (2) <br />temporary construction signs (with DISTRICT's logo) as a contributing agency. <br />II. WORK DESCRIP'T'ION. <br />DISTRICT's IRL Program has budgeted funding for this project through the Water Management <br />District Trust Fund to be applied towards the shoreline stabilization, revetment work on the east <br />and west islands. COUNTY will install 953 Linear feet of coquina rip -rap revetment along the <br />northern side of the Fast Island with backfill of clean, select sandy fill to capture, detain, <br />percolate and ftIter run-off in three stormwater areas landward of the revetment providing 4,315 <br />cubic feet of dry detention. The west island will include I,139 linear feet of revetment <br />(approximately 869 ft. on the northern, and 270 ft. on the southeastern shores) with sandy <br />backfill for five proposed stormwater detention areas providing 2,433 c.f. of treatment area. 'The <br />vegetative swale detention arcus will create a "greenbelt" along the shoreline, behind the <br />revetment, wherein there is no pedestrian or vehicle access. Limiting access along the Shoreline <br />will further reduce erosion from human activities. <br />Page l of 3 <br />
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