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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />RYAN L. BUTLER, CLERK <br />908.111(1)(a), Florida Statutes, the Department will terminate this contract immediately if Contractor is <br />found to be in violation of the law or the attestation in PUR 1808. <br />b. Applicable to solicitations for a common carrier — Before contract execution, the winning Contractor(s) <br />must fill out and return PUR 1808, and attest that it is not willfully providing any service in furtherance of <br />transporting a person into this state knowing that the person unlawfully present in the United States <br />according to the terms of the federal Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. ss. 1101 et seq. The <br />Department will terminate a contract immediately if Contractor is found to be in violation of the law or the <br />attestation in PUR 1808 <br />15. Additional Terms. <br />Documentary Evidence Requirement for Subcontractor(s). If any work associated with this Agreement is completed <br />by a subcontractor(s), the Grantee shall require that such subcontractor(s) submit documentary evidence (e.g., <br />workshop agendas; meeting recordings) to Grantee demonstrating that the subcontractor(s) has fully performed its <br />Project obligation(s). The Grantee shall forward copies of all such documentary evidence to the Department with the <br />Grantee's relevant deliverable(s), using the approved Project Timeline set forth in Attachment 3 to this Agreement <br />(Grant Work Plan). <br />Sea Level Impact Projection Study Requirement. If the project is within the designated area, pursuant to Section <br />161.551, F.S. and Chapter 62S-7, Florida Administrative Code, the Grantee is responsible for performing a Sea <br />Level Impact Projection (SLIP) study and submitting the resulting report to the Department. The SLIP study report <br />must be received by the Department, approved by the Department, and be published on the Department's website for <br />at least thirty (30) days before construction can commence. This rule went into effect July 1, 2021, and applies to <br />certain state -funded construction projects located in the coastal building zone as defined in the rule. <br />Attachment 2 <br />3 of 3 <br />Rev. 10/3/2022 <br />