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<br />'1111S A6RFE*MliNT is entered into between the FLORIDA FISH AND WILDt.IFF, C ONSU.RVATiON
<br />COMMISSION, Division of Marine Fisheries, whose address is 620 South Meridian Street, Bryant
<br />Huiiding, Tallahassee, Florida 32399.16W (hereinafter referred to as the "Commission') ami the
<br />INDIAN RIVIiR COUNTY Rr)ARi) 01: uolmlY COMMISSIONERS, whose address is 1840 25111
<br />Street, VCro ficach, Florida 329141 (hereinafter referred to as the "County").
<br />Whereas, the Cornnit r,lon h:i, rcecrvcd fiends from the Manne Revimees Conservation Trust
<br />Fund from revenues generated by the wale of saltwater licenses in support of the c'ommission's marine
<br />artificial rcef planning, assessment and development in Florida, and
<br />Whcrcas, Section 370.25, Florida Statutes, created an artificial reef program wuhur the
<br />Corriniksuin to, in part, provide grant•, anis technical assistance to eligible local coastal governments and
<br />nonprofit corporations for dcvcloptng, rwniitoring, or evaluating saltwater artificial reefs: and
<br />Whcica." ill,: County is L+ local coastal government and qualifies to receive anifivial reef );rant
<br />funding in accoid:uice with Scction 371).25(4). F.S., and
<br />Whereas, ('haptcr G2R-9, Flienda Adrnuu ,trihvc Code, estab5shes Writs for ilii administration of
<br />this grant program; and
<br />Whereas, the County agree-, to licit-orm the scrvice4 described herein. or h-rcinaftcr authorized
<br />upon the Tanis and condituurs stated; and
<br />'I herefore, in consideration of file nuolual benefits it, ix• derived heretioni, the Comnw,sion and
<br />the County do hereby agree as hollows:
<br />1. The Commission docs hereby authorize the County to lWifiorm the saltwater artificial reef ptolcct
<br />I as defined herein and the County does hereby agree it) perform such services upon the terms and
<br />conditions set forth in this Agreement and all attachments and exhibits named herein which are attached
<br />hereto and incorporated by reference.
<br />2. The County shall perform the services in a proper and satisfactory manner as determined by the
<br />Commission. Anv and all equipment, products, or materials necessary to perform this Agreement shall
<br />be supplied by the County or its subcontractor, unless otherwise specified herein.
<br />3. As consideration for the saltwater artificial reef project as described in Attachment A (Scope of
<br />Services), completed by the County under the terms of this Agreement, the Commission shall pay the
<br />County a sum not to exceed $10,000 on a cost reimbursement basis. All single request for payment and
<br />disbursement of funds shall be made in strict accuidaoce with provieie::s of Atiachnivni A and Chapter
<br />62R-9, F.A.C. The County will provide all required close-out documentation to the Commission's
<br />Project Manager within forty-five (45) days after the ending date of the Agreement. '['he County's
<br />Project Manager shall certify, under penalties of perjury compliance with provisions of this Agreement,
<br />through the submission of a Certification of Completion, and said cernncauun siiau of 5u,n0ou..v ..,,,�
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