<br />'CHIS AORI;'EMENT is cntcro.l into hctwCcn rhe FLORID:\ FISH 1\NI) \VIL.D1.111F.
<br />CONSERVA] ION COMMISSION. I)ivr,ton of MannC Fr.hcric,. %\h ... c: adds:„ t, 6211 South Mctidian
<br />Street, Bryant litidding. Tallahassee, Florida 320P),I(r<)4I (hereinafter referred to a, the "('nmmr„ton")
<br />and the INDIAN RIVER C'OtfNTY BOARD OF (OI IN I l' COMMISSIONERS. %%how addrC,s is 1841)
<br />25111 Street, Vero, Brach, Florida 3290) limon aflct r0ci-rcd to as the --Counts"1
<br />whco.as, the Commission as a pasri-through entity has reectscd tend, under a 19114-2000 grant,
<br />F(1 o, front the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Servtee (USFWS) Federal Aid in Si-ri I i,h Rc,toratron Program
<br />(('I DA No, 15.005) in support of the ('ommtssron-s marine artificial reel pt,immni. as,c%sment and
<br />dccrlopnicnt in Honda (F42 -Segment 14); and
<br />Whcreas, Section 3711.23, Hoittli Stawtc,, crc..acd in ariarcial reef program within the
<br />l 'oounisston to, in port, provide grants and technical a„i,tam:e 1,, eligible local coastal governments and
<br />oonprolit corporations firr developing. monitoring. or evaluating .iliwater artificial reefs, and
<br />i,,,Whcreas, the ('minty is a local coastal government and V-111tic, Io r"”' artttiCtal reef grant
<br />Iuwhif{,an accordance a:tth ScOwn 17u.25(4), F.S.: and
<br />r ,
<br />: %Vleicati, Uhaptcr 62R-'1, I Innrl.r Adrnint,tratt:c Code, establishes m1c, firr the administration of
<br />!Ills glint proy,tanr and
<br />\Vllcrras, IhC County artrcc, to p,:rforrn the serntcc, described herein, of hcrclnahcr authunred
<br />upoA the tants and C011d1110ns staled; and
<br />'I herclore, 111 Consideration of the inulual howl-11"to tic denvCd hcictiom. 1110 Conuniesion and the
<br />County do hereby agree as follows:
<br />1. The Commission does hereby awhonzc the County to perform the saltwater artificial reef project
<br />as defined herein and the County does hereby agree to perfoini such scrsices upon the lernis and
<br />conditions set forth in this Agreement and all attachments and exhibits nanied herein which are attached
<br />hereto and incorporated by reference.
<br />2. The County shall perform the services in a proper and satisfactory manner as determined by the
<br />Commission. Any and all equipment, products, or materials necessary to perform this Agreement shall be
<br />supplied by the County or its subcontractor, unless otherwise specified herein.
<br />3. As consideration for the saltwater artificial reef project as described in Attachment A (Scope of
<br />Services), completed by the County under the terms of this Agreement, the Commission shall pay the
<br />County a sum not to exceed5$ 0,000 on a cost reimbursement basis. All single request for payment and
<br />disbursement of funds shall be made in strict accordance with provisions of Attachment A and Chapter
<br />6211-9, F.A.C. The County will provide all required close-out documentation to the Commission's Project
<br />Manager within forty-five (45) days after the ending date of the Agreement. 'rhe County's Project
<br />Manager shall certify, under penalties of perjury compliance with provisions of this Agreement, through
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