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the submission of a Certification of Completion, and said certification shall be submitted with the close-out <br />documentation. An itemized listing by category of all expenditures claimed along with supporting <br />documentation for each amount is required. All itemized paid invoices/receipts clearly reflecting date(s) of <br />service and submitted along with copies of canceled checks for check numbers and certification of <br />payment by the County) for reimbursement shall, under this Agreement, be submitted in detail sufficient <br />for a proper pre -audit and post -audit thereof, as required by the commission. Reimbursement of travel <br />expenses is not authorized under this Agreement. <br />4, This Agreement shall bccomc cffccMi: idem execution by both parties and end on .1unr W 2000, <br />inelu>ive. "Che saltwater artificial reef project dc,cnhcd in Attaehrrent A must he coinlItIOM by tin• <br />expiration date of this Agreement. In accordance with Seaton 287.05K(>). F.S., for cont"Ltt"I screlccs <br />exceeding the amount provided in Section 287.017, F.S. for Category Two, the ('ounty shall not he clr(!ible <br />for reimbursement for scrs-iccs rendered prior to the execution date of this Agrcrmcni. In the cccnt the <br />saltwater artificial reel project is not complete by the expiration date of the Agreement, tht• commission <br />will have the right to cancel its obligations of any and all financial assistance granted for the .Std saltwater <br />artificial reef project. 'The Commissian and the ('ount,; full, understand and agree that there ,hall be no <br />rcimhursrnu rtt of funds by the Commission torr any rrlinga0on tri cxpcnditi.irc after the cxpirauan date at <br />Ihv; Apic•cmcnt. <br />5, '1 he Statc of Flurida's performance and obligation to lmy under this Agreement, if the Agreement <br />1wiiod c :tends into a new final year, is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the legislature and <br />cer1ilicanon of the saltwater artificial reef pngcct funds forwarded in th,. F('() Chants category. <br />6, por,,uant to Section 215.422. F.S., the ( ommission's Project Manager shall hitt: fisc (5) working <br />day., unless otherwise specified herein. to in%pret and approve a request for payment upon receipt cif a <br />complete and accurate request for payment package: the Commission must submit a request for payment to <br />the Florida Dcliartiitciu of Yanking and Finance within twenty (20) days: the Department of Banking and <br />Finance is given ten (10) days to issue a t+errant, bays are calculated from the latter date the invoice is <br />rcccivcd or services rrcei c•d, rri,Iwctcd and approved. Payment requirements do not start until a complete <br />and correct request for payment and other required supporting documentation have been received. <br />Requests torr payment packages which have to be returned to the ('ounty tier corrcctton(s) will result in a <br />delay of payment. A Vendor Oinhudsman has been established with the Florida Ircpartnicni o1 [tanking <br />and Finance who may be contacted if the ('aunty i, experiencing problems tit obtaining timely paymcnt(s) <br />from a State of Florida agency. 'I he Vendor (hnhudsman may be contacted at I -K00 84K-3742. <br />7. ',',in accordance with Section 215,422, F.S., the Commission shall pay the County interest at a rate <br />its estabdshed by Section 55.03(1), F.S., on the unpaid balance, if a warrant in payment of an invoice is not <br />issueda8ithin forty (40) days after receipt of a correct invoice and receipt, inspection and approval of the <br />goods qd services. Interest payments of less than SI will not be enforced unless the County requests <br />payment: The interest rate established pursuant to Section 55.03(1), F.S., by Comptroller's Memorandum <br />No. 1 CtI998-99) dated December 3, 1998, has been set at 10.0% per annum or .02740% per day. The <br />ievise(Hiterest rate for each calendar year beyond 1999 for which the term of this Agreement is in effect <br />can bi obtained by calling the Department of Banking at the telephone number provided above in <br />�Aragraph 6. <br />8. Each party hereto agrees that it shall be solely responsible for the negligent or wrongful acts of its <br />employees and agents. However, nothing contained herein shall constitute a waiver by the Commission of <br />its sovereign immunity or the provisions of Section 768.28, F.S. The Commission shall have no liability <br />except as specifically provided for in this Agreement. <br />9, The Commission may terminate this Agreement at any time in the event of failure of the County to <br />fulfill any of its obligations under this Agreement. Prior to termination, the Commission shall provide the <br />County written notification of any performance failures and the County shall have ten (10) calendar days, <br />Page 2 of 8 <br />