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Carter Associates
Master Agreement Work Order 4
Gifford Area Stormwater Improvements
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0 <br />MDJ <br />E. Provide coordination with the Planning Department to determine any project construction <br />requirements including the length of time that may be allowed for the (lake excavation portion) of <br />the project. This project is exempted from the normal site plan review process due to its public <br />works status. <br />F. Stockpile location for lake excavation material. <br />SECTION III - SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />A. The ENGINEER will perform all necessary environmental investigation, engineering design, <br />surveying, drainage design, permitting, and incidental work for the drainage and related <br />improvements to the east Gifford Area Stormwater Improvement project as described in <br />Section 1. Detailed Plans and Specifications shall be prepared so that the construction can be <br />properly bid. The ENGINEER will prepare complete permit applications to St. Johns River <br />Water Management District (SIRWMD), Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), and <br />Florida Fast Coast Railroad (FECRR), for the COUNTY signature. Detailed plans, <br />specifications and estimated bid quantities shall be prepared so that the work iternized in <br />Section 1(A, FI, C, 1), and E) above can he prolwrly bid by the County. <br />B. After issuance of a work order and written autho ization to proceed, the F:NGINF?F?R shall <br />consult with the COIJN-IY to confirm the COUNTY'S requircrrtentti and objective for the <br />project, and review all available data, <br />C'. "The! EN61NHER will strive to complete his work on the PROIE(-T within the ante allowed by <br />maintaining an atk-quatc staff of registered cngincers, biologists. draftsin n, and other <br />ernployees on the work at all timet. <br />I), The ENGIJrI+R shall report the st trtts of this project to the Director of Public Works <br />Department upon request and held all drawing%, calculations and revised work open to the <br />inspection of the: Director of his authorized agent at any time. upon reaw4onable request. <br />f?. 'TASK 02• PRf tJFCT DEFINITION <br />1 hi- ENG1114 .F 11 will perform and provide topographic and land surveying information <br />required of all areas of work. I.oc:nion of existing structures such as mail txrxcs, above and <br />below ground utilities, driveways, trees, etc. shall Fx_ provided. The F.NGINFER will <br />coordinate with the COUNTY to av,ure access to the property after the limit- of the project <br />have been established. <br />The following itemized Engineering Scrvicv, are included: <br />A. J.P.A. exhibits and technical review as required. <br />B. Topographic Survey <br />• Perforin and assemble survey data for use in constntclion plans. Plan profile <br />plans where needed. <br />C. Schedule and coordinate soil borings at the lake site. <br />Review soils for use as a mining operation. <br />D. Environmental report and permitting <br />• Finalize off site mitigation plan <br />Ref: G.K. Environmental, Inc. - Proposed Draft Mitigation Plan dated <br />January 10, 1999 <br />• Review meetings with permitting agencies, provide technical assistance in <br />addressing requests for additional information. <br />E. Permits <br />• S.J.R.W.M.D. Environmental Resource Permit, (40C-4) <br />• F.D.O.T. General Use Permit, (JPA may satisfy) <br />a F -1-1.C. Utility Cross=ing Permit and Lease <br />J:\CYN\ENGPROJ\1RCStormwtrMgmtlmprova\IRC-WORK ORDER NOA•Giffonl.doc Page 2 of 5 <br />
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