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El <br />40 <br />Technical Approach <br />Page T <br />Task 7 PREPARE AND ACQUIRE STATE LANDS LEASE(S) <br />FOR BORROW AREAS <br />ATM will prepare legal descriptions for the three borrow areas identified in the Sand <br />Source Investigation and submit applications requesting State of Florida Submerged <br />Lands Leases to the Division of State Lands. It is anticipated that the drawings and <br />requests will be processed concurrently with the FDEP Joint Coastal permit applications. <br />A 10 -year lease period will be requested for each borrow area. <br />Task 8 DETAILED VIBRACORING INVESTIGATION OF NORTH <br />BORROW AREA <br />Task 8.1 Obtain Vibracores in Target Areas <br />'The number of cores will be optimized based on distance from shore, planform <br />geometry of the candidate site(s), water depth, anticipated core lengths necessary for <br />logging, sampling and archival, and apparent material composition. It is assumed that <br />vibracores will be collected during 2 field days and that 12-16 vibracores will be <br />recovered. It is estimated that, for the purposes of this study, a specifications -level <br />spacing will initially be utilized in the areas of potential sand deposition. Should the field <br />acquisition of vibracores reveal consistently high quality (and in -field estimates of <br />quantity) material in one or more of the candidate sites, efforts will be intensified in those <br />areas to reduce the grid coverage area and, in effect, produce a plans -and - <br />specifications -level distribution of vibracores. Construction plans and specifications -level <br />vibracores should be acquired on an approximately 500 to 1,000 ft grid completely <br />covering the area of anticipated sand excavation. A conservative estimate of six to eight <br />20 -foot vibracores per field day is assumed over the course of the single mobilization <br />effort. <br />The vibracoring effort entails positioning a Coast Guard certified coring vessel over a <br />previously determined (or ATM -directed) coordinate set offshore. Once in position, the <br />coring system utilizes a pneumatic impacting piston mounted on the top of a core barrel <br />constructed of steel or aluminum pipe and felted with an internal plastic liner to contain the <br />sediment core sample. The core barrel is mounted on a stable platform and serves <br />additionally as a guide to the vibrator and core barrel. The coring system is deployed to the <br />ocean bottom and retrieved utilizing a deck -mounted hydraulic crane. DGPS positioning of <br />the core sample retrieved is recorded along with record of the barrel penetration into the <br />seabed. The procedure is then repeated following removal of the plastic liner from the barrel <br />visual inspection of the material contained within the liner, and ATM acceptance or reiection <br />of the recovered' oVli_ '�-• -5 'iM bc: �.".-u�giiircu uy file vibracoring contractor at <br />U._t i i-.:. <br />no additional cost to Indian River County. <br />