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Work Order
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Carter Associates, Inc.
Work Order No. 6 for Professional Civil Services Master Agreement
for Vero Lake Estates Stormwater Improvements
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Indian River County <br />Task 02 — Vero Lake Estates Stormwater Improvements, Phase I <br />WORK ORDER NO.6 TO THE PROFESSIONAL <br />CIVIL SERVICES MASTER AGREEMENT <br />BETWEEN CARTER ASSOCIATES, INC., <br />DATED AUGUST 4,1998 AND <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />Pursuant to the Professional Services Agreement dated August 4, 1998, by and between Indian River <br />® County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the COUNTY, and CARTER <br />ASSOCIATES, INC., (C.A.I.) VERO BEACH, FLORIDA, hereinafter referred to as the ENGINEER, this <br />Work Order No. 6 is an extension of and hereby becomes a part of the MASTER AGREEMENT as follows: <br />SECTION I - PROJECT LIMITS AND DESCRIPTION <br />These services will include updating the Vero Lake Estates conceptual master drainage plan <br />(permitted March '97 — July '98) to include the following additional items in a construction package of plans <br />and specifications to be provided to the County for use in constructing the work. The additional items include a <br />conveyance canal and pipe structure improvements to route stormwater runoff to the stormwater lake <br />(Lake 20). The drainage area served by Lake 20 following the Phase I work will be significantly increased with <br />the inclusion of these improvements. The work will be installed by a combination of County forces and a <br />Contractor selected through a bid process. <br />The work items noted below will be incorporated into one (I) construction package with the Work <br />Order Number 3 construction work items. <br />Work Order No. 6 (Task 02, Vero Lake Estates Stonnwater Improvements, Phase I) <br />Project work items include: <br />A. 98'h Avenue cross section improvements from 80'" Street to 86a' Street <br />B. Construct new pipe structures or retrofit existing structures at the 980' Avenue/83'' Street <br />intersection to route runoff through Lake 20. <br />SECTION II - COUNTY OBLIGATIONS <br />The COUNTY agrees to provide the ENGINEER with the following material, data or services as <br />required in connection with the work to be performed under this Agreement: <br />A. Currently available drainage studies, survey drawings, plans, calculations and other data <br />pertinent to the project. <br />B. 'Title information and title opinion relating to land necessary for the project. <br />C. Landowner authorizations to inspect and enter onto the site(s). <br />D. Landowner negotiations to acquire permission, easements and/or right-of-way necessary for the <br />project. <br />E. Provide coordination with the Planning Department to determine any project construction <br />requirements including tb: length of time that may be allowed for the excavation section of the <br />project. This project is exempted from the normal site plan review process due to its public <br />works status. <br />F. Stockpile location for lake excavation material. <br />1:\CYN\ENGPROJ\IRCStonnwtrMgnttlmprove\VeroLi:Eslales\IRC-WRKORDERNO6-TASK2.doc Page Iof4 <br />
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