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CCNA2023 Work Order #3 <br />Indian River Greenway Boardwalk <br />Bowman Consulting Group, Ltd. <br />SERVICES AND/OR INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS <br />Client or others will provide the following services and/or information: <br />A. Boundary survey of the site in dwg (AutoCAD) format. <br />B. Contractor will provide structural design and building permit services. <br />C. Provide record -drawings and information of existing improvements and utility -owned facilities and <br />other substructures. <br />D. Access to the site via gated driveway along the MOT drainage ditch along the north side of the site. <br />SERVICES NOT INCLUDED <br />This work order is limited to the above Scope of Services, but additional services may be provided at the request <br />of IRCDUS and within the services provided by Bowman. Additional services shall require written mutual <br />authorization prior to initiation. <br />Work specifically excluded in the above Scope of Services include: <br />A. Sub -Surface Soil Exploration (geotechnical) services. <br />B. Site Plan Approvals. <br />C. Jurisdictional Permitting. <br />