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Commissioner Eggert agreed that it is unlikely the property <br />would change to anything not environmentally sensitive and it was <br />her understanding that it was very difficult for the State to <br />surplus environmentally sensitive lands. <br />Mr. DeBlois .explained that language in the agreement refers to <br />requirements under P-2000 as of the date of the deed and recalled <br />particulars in the negotiations concerning the Coraci property. <br />In response to Commissioner Bird's inquiry, Mr. DeBlois <br />estimated that 90% of the property would qualify as environmentally <br />sensitive. A small portion was vegetated with Australian pine and <br />Brazilian pepper trees; the rest was native hammock and endangered <br />plants. <br />Then Commissioner Bird asked if the property was privately <br />owned whether it could be developed, and Mr. DeBlois said it could. <br />Charles Hardee, of FloridaAffinity, County's Environmental <br />Lands Acquisition Consultant, described the lease as fairly <br />standard giving the County the total right to control the property. <br />The first 50 years are binding, and the second 50 years are subject <br />to Cabinet approval. He had just received a draft lease which will <br />have to be approved by both sides before closing, so the lease will <br />be in place upon signing. <br />Commissioner Macht suggested the matter be referred back to <br />the Land Acquisition Advisory Committee, and Commissioner Bird <br />concurred. <br />Commissioner Macht commented he was not aware that in <br />cooperating with the State the County lost control. He advised it <br />would change the way he thinks about a lot of things. <br />Mr. DeBlois emphasized that this is specific to the CARL <br />program only, not to the Florida Communities Trust, and <br />Commissioner Macht understood that, but it bothered him that so <br />much time and money are being spent making purchases that may have <br />no permanent value. <br />Mr. Hardee also advised that although the option agreement <br />exercise date runs out September 1st, they anticipate getting a <br />one-month extension to close and the owner has agreed. <br />Commissioner Macht-asked if there would be a problem putting <br />it on LAAC's agenda for their meeting tomorrow, and County Attorney <br />Vitunac believed that it could be put on the LAAO agenda as an <br />emergency matter. <br />Commissioner Tippin withdrew his second - prior MOTION DIED. <br />August 27, 1996 Boa U F 942 <br />