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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />RYAN L. BUTLER, CLERK <br />ATTACHMENT 3-1 <br />REVISED GRANT WORK PLAN <br />PROJECT TITLE: West Wabasso Phase 3 Septic to Sewer Conversion <br />PROJECT LOCATION: The project is located in Vero Beach, FL. The project consists of two sites that <br />together comprise Phase 3. Phase 3B is located south of 85th Street (CR -510), between 58'' Avenue (Kings <br />Highway) to the east and Lateral G canal to the west. The interior streets of the Phase 313 site are 59th <br />Avenue and 58th Court. Phase 3A consists of 61st Drive from CR -510 to the north end of the road. Lat/Long <br />for Phase 3B (27.748611, -80.446339), Lat/Long for Phase 3A is (27.750417, - 80.453147). See Figure 1 <br />for a location map and site plan. <br />PROJECT BACKGROUND: West Wabasso Phase 3 is a community of approximately 61 lots consisting <br />of substandard septic systems and is a financially -challenged area within Indian River County (The <br />Grantee). The septic to sewer conversion will route the wastewater from this community to a county system <br />for collection and treatment at a regional wastewater facility that is operated by Indian River County <br />Department of Utility Services. The conversion will reduce the nutrient loading, improve water quality, <br />and promote seagrass growth in the Indian River Lagoon. This community has been identified as having <br />increased health risks and potential groundwater contamination from aging on-site treatment disposal <br />systems. This project will benefit the health and well-being of residents and the Indian River Lagoon. <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project is a continuation from Phase I (completed in 2013) and Phase II <br />(completed in 2019). The grantee will construct the West Webasso Phase 3 conversion with the installation <br />of approximately 15 manholes, 2 lift stations, 1425 linear feet of sanitary force main pipe, and 2654 linear <br />feet of gravity sewer. Approximately 63 Stub -outs will be installed to provide connections to current and <br />future homes. <br />TASKS: All documentation should be submitted electronically unless otherwise indicated. <br />Task 1: Desien and Permittinn <br />Deliverables: The Grantee will complete the design of West Wabasso Phase 3 Septic to Sewer Conversion <br />and obtain all necessary permits for construction of the project. <br />Documentation: The Grantee will submit: 1) a signed acceptance of the completed work to date, as <br />provided in the Grantee's Certification of Payment Request; and 2) a summary of design activities to date, <br />indicating the percentage of design completion for the time period covered in the payment request. For the <br />final documentation, the Grantee will also submit a copy of the design completed with the funding provided <br />for this task and a list of all required permits identifying issue dates and issuing authorities. <br />Performance Standard: The Department's Grant Manager will review the documentation to verify that <br />the deliverables have been completed as described above. Upon review and written acceptance by the <br />Department's Grant Manager, the Grantee may proceed with payment request submittal. <br />Payment Request Schedule: The Grantee may submit a payment request for cost reimbursement no more <br />frequently than monthly. <br />DEP Agreement No. WG001, Attachment 3-1, Page I of 3 <br />