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40 <br />40 <br />i <br />coded to property appraiser parcel numbers so that once the completed survey is <br />returned that information can be linked directly with a GIS- compatible file to <br />include the actual parcels. <br />D. The protocols to coordinate the data -gathering process and product development <br />to devise GIS -compatible wildfire hazard information that can be integrated into <br />The Arbiter of Storms modeling program. <br />Period Three <br />Deliverables. Must be postmarked or hand delivered by ,lune 29 2001, <br />The Recipient will compile the wildfire hazard analyses to communicate clearly those areas <br />which are subject to a wildfire hazard and to what degree of vulnerability or risk. Identify <br />methods to reduce these vulnerabilities and establish their priority rank. Complete the IRC <br />Wildfire Mitigation flan and its incorporation into the more comprehensive all -hazards IRC local <br />mitigation strategy. The Recipient will be reimbursed $33,500 of the program funds allocated for <br />this project upon completion and confirmation of the following items within this period. <br />A. A report to the Department that describes the public outreach activities the <br />subcommittee is spearheading to increase awareness of wildfire vulnerabilities <br />B. The results of the vulnerability assessment of wildfires which will identify those <br />areas at high, medium or low risk or other method to distinguish areas or facilities <br />that are more vulnerable to wildfire than others, <br />C. A list of wildfire mitigation options and in priority order based on need, These <br />options will have identified with each potential and feasible funding sources for <br />their implementation. The procedures developed to establish priority shall be <br />provided to the Department, <br />D. The final plan, adopted -by -subcommittee IRC wildfire mitigation and <br />incorporated into the ail -hazards. Incal mitigation strategy. Adoption will be by <br />the local all -hazard mitigation strategy working group. This document will be <br />provided both in paper as we] l as on a CD-ROM, <br />The Recipient will provide an in-kind match of $21,000 or 17.4%n of the total project costs. This <br />match will provide salaries and benefits, administrative and general expenses. <br />( I'Irc bottom portion of this page intentionally lett blank) <br />15 <br />