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40 <br />r <br />0 <br />Attachment A <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />The information and representations contained in the grant application submitted to the <br />Department by the Recipient and evaluated pursuant to Rule Chapter 9G -I9, Florida <br />Administrative Code, are hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement. <br />Within thirty days of the date of execution of this Agreement, Recipient will supply a <br />document which includes an activities timeline, a list of deliverables, and a revised budget, <br />for the approval of the Department. This document will address, with particularity and <br />appropriate discussion, each task necessary to complete the project identified in Recipient's <br />application for grant funding. <br />The revised budget portion of this document must be consistent in format with the budget <br />proposed in the original project application. It must not consist of new line it -.m expenditures, <br />but will indicate whether the cost of the Iine items detailed in the original budget have increased <br />or decreased from the original information. Any proposed deviations from the original budget <br />may not exceed 5% (increase or decrease) of the originally approved amounts in the expenditure <br />categories affected. The total amount of grant money budgeted may not exceed the amount <br />authorized in the Agreement. <br />Failure to supply the above -referenced document, or disapproval of this document by the <br />Department, will resulLin the denial of funding. <br />If the Recipient succeeds in acquiring products or services for less than the budgeted amount, <br />then it must notify the Department and request authorization to apply the unexpended funds to <br />the project, identifying the proposed use for the unexpended funds. If the unexpended funds can <br />be applied to enhance the project through acquisition of additional equipment or services which <br />will provide the same benefit as the approved project, then the Department may approve the use <br />of the unexpended funds. <br />The Recipient will provide in the required timeline and deliverables document subject to <br />approval by the Division of Emergency Management, information relating to the Recipient's <br />accomplishment or delivery of the following items and activities as represented in the,proposal. <br />Period One. <br />The Recipient will establish the Wildfire Mitigation Technical Advisory Subcommittee which is <br />a subcommittee of the larger Local Mitigation Strategy Working Group already established for <br />Indian River County (IRC). Although this subcommittee may have goals beyond what is stated <br />13 <br />