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40 <br />i <br />1) Permit Package "A" shall involve all wetland restoration/cnvironmental <br />permitting. Lewis Environmental Services, Inc, shall be responsible for this <br />permit package. <br />2) Permit Package "B" shall involve all stormwater Management permitting for <br />public use facilities. Brad Smith Associates Inc. shall be responsible for this <br />permit package. <br />3) All permitting on the Cairns parcel shall be handled by Brad Smith Associates <br />(and its design team). 'Che intent is to avoid impacting existing Wetlands on <br />the Cairns parcel, and limiting development to" upland" areas only. <br />B. Master planning and design work shall be coordinated in such a manner that the <br />illustrative master plan doetunent prepared by Brad Smith Associates Inc. under <br />Task 2 below will reflect the general intent of the habitat restoration Work being <br />undertaken by Lewis Environmental Services, Inc. This illustrative plaster plan <br />will be prepared in digital format for use by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in <br />presenting the project in various public relations publications. <br />C. Grades for the proposed loop road will be set by Brad Smith Associates (to meet <br />criteria for stormwater permitting), and coordinated with Lewis Environmental <br />Services, Inc. (so that grades can be properly transitioned into wetland restoration <br />areas, and that site restoration cut/fill quantities can be balanced). Note: total site <br />earthwork calculations (cut/ftl) shall be done under the habitat restoration project <br />prepared by Lewis Environmental Services, Inc. <br />D. Plant palette for use in the public use areas shall be coordinated with palette <br />selected by Lewis Environmental Services, Inc. <br />E. Existing wells on the Ken Kennedy grove site shall be used to provide temporary <br />irrigation for wetland restoration plantings by Lewis Environmental Services, Inc. <br />These wells shall also be utilized to ,provide temporary irrigation to plantings <br />specified by Brad Smith Associates for the public use areas. <br />PROJECT PROGRAMMING, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: CONSUI,TAN"f <br />team met with the County's representatives and other interested parties in a Pre - <br />Design Workshop to discuss their goals for the project. (This occurred on 2/21/00.) <br />Minutes of this meeting are attached, The contents of the ntinotes shall be used <br />throughout the planning process to provide a clear understanding of County <br />expectations. Any significant deviations rrorn the direction established during the <br />pre -design workshop may result in the need for Additional 'Services. <br />CONSULTANT TEAM: BRAD Smith Associates, [tic. shall be the Prime <br />Consultant, and shall be responsible for master planning and design of the park. The <br />firm will be coordinating the efforts of the following sub-consuhatlls which will be <br />serving in support roles: <br />A. Carter Associates, Inc. (surveying, stonmwvatcr, tuld civil engineering) <br />B. Environmental Consulting Group (environmental consulting) <br />C. Ldlund and Dritenbas, Architects (architectural design) <br />l) Garrison & Frohlich, (inechanical, electrical, plumbing, lighting design <br />engineers) <br />2) Jerkins and Charland, (structural engineers) <br />Auitchrnrnt - 3 <br />