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t). Hie Consultant ccr•titics that ii and those relaled entities of respondent its defined h} Florida <br />la%% are nut on the Scrutinized C'onrpcutics that 130%colt Israel I ist. created pursuant to s. <br />215.4725 ofthe Florida Statutes. and are trot engaged in a h0\L-0u 01'Israc1. In addition. it' <br />this agreement is Itir goods or services ot* one million dt►liar, or more. the Consultant <br />certilies that it and those related entities ofrespondem as defined aho\e b% Florida la\\ are <br />not on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized <br />Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Fnergy Sector I ist. created pursuant to <br />Section 215.473 ofihe Florida Statutes and are not engaged in business operations in Cuba <br />or Syria. The ('otrlrtw may terminate this Contract if the Cunsuhant is found to have <br />submitted it false certification as provided under section ?87.13i( 5). 1• lorida Statutes. been <br />placed on the Scrutinized Companies %%ith . fix hies in Sudan List or the Scrutinized <br />C'onrpanics with Aetiwities in the Iran Petroleum Fncrg� Sector list. or been engaged in <br />business operations in Cuba or Syria, tts defined by section 287.135. Florida Statutes. The <br />County ma} tcnninatc this Contract if the Consultant. including all wholly owned <br />m <br />subsidiaries, uiority-oN%ned subsidiaries, and parent companies that exist lbr the purpose <br />ol'making profit, is found to have been placed on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott <br />Israel List or is engaged in a boycott of Israel as set fiorth in section 215.4725. Florida <br />Statutes. <br />V. DURATION OF AGREEMENT <br />This Agreement shall remain in titll force and effect Ibr it period ofone ( I ) }ears alter its date of <br />execution, although actual completion of the services hereunder ma} extend beyond such term. <br />unless this Agreement is terminated by mutual consent of ►he parties as otherwise provided herein. <br />Tire i erfiormance of specially and properly authorized projects ma% extend beyond the <br />Agreement's one-year effective term and shall be compensated in accordance with the terms of <br />this Agreement. In addition, subject to the County's sole discretion. this Agreement may be <br />extended by the County fcir an additional one (1)year be \ and the initial one (I ) year period of the <br />Agreement. il'specilically delegated this authority by the C'ount}. <br />V1. AUDIT RIGHTS <br />The County reserves the right to audit the records of the Consultant related to this Agreement at <br />any time during the execution of the work included herein and for a period ofthree years after final <br />payment is made. Bills for fees or other compensation for services or expenses shall be submitted <br />to the County in detail sufficient Ibr a proper pre -audit and post audit thereof. <br />VI11. "TRUTH -IN -NEGOTIATION CERTIFICATE <br />The Consultant warrants that he has nut employed or retained any company or person other <br />than a bona tide employee working solely for the Consultant to solicit or secure this <br />Agreement and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person other than a <br />bona tide employee working solely for the Consultant any tee. commission, percentage <br />fee, gills or any other consideration. contingent upon or resulting from the award of making <br />of this Agreement. For breach of violation of*this warranty. the County shall have the right <br />to terminate this Agreement without liability. <br />Indian River Count% Pale S <br />