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tAccution of this Agreement hN the Consultant shall trot as the execution of a truth -in - <br />negotiation certificate certif%ing that the %age rates and COOS useei <br />it, determine the <br />compensation prox ided tin' in this Agreenicnt are accurate. complete and current as of the <br />date of the Agreement and no higher than those charged the Consultant's most favored <br />customer fur the sane or subst;utially similar service. The wage rates and costs shall be <br />adjusted to excludc anx significant sums should the County determine that the wage rates <br />and costs %%erc increased due to inaccurate. incomplete or noncurrent wage rates or due to <br />inaccurate representations of tccs paid to outside consultants. it' any such outside <br />consultants arc used %%iih the prior %%fluen approval of the COUntV. The County shall <br />exercise its rights raider this "Certificate" %%iihin one (1) year fifllo%%ing final payment. 'rhe <br />County has the authorit% and right to audit Consultant's records under this provision. 'I'he <br />County does not hcrehx \%ak a any other right it may have pursuant to Florida Statutes <br />se:c:tion ?87.055. as it nun he lion time -to -tine amended.' <br />1X. ENTIRE AGREEMENT <br />'Phis Agreement and its Attachments hereto embed\ the \hole agreement of the parties. and there <br />are no provisions. terms. conditions. or obligations other than those contained herein. 'I his <br />agreement shall supersede till previous communications. representations. or oral agreements <br />between the parties. and no amendment hereto shall be effective unless reduced to writing and <br />sighed by the parties hereto. <br />X. INDEPENDENT CONTtA(`TOR <br />It is specifically understood and acknowledged by the parties hereto that the Consultant or <br />employees or subcontractors of the Consultant are in no way to he considered employees of the <br />County. but arc independent contractors pertbrining solely under the terms of the Agreement and <br />not otherwise. <br />Xl. SUBCONTRACTING <br />Services assigned to sub -consultants must be approved in advance by the County. The sub - <br />consultants must be qualified by the County to perform all work assigned to them. <br />XII. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT <br />I . The County shall pay to the Consultant as outlined in the Memorandum. Each invoice will <br />document the work peribrnaed. t )pon submittal of an invoice documenting the completion <br />of all or a portion of one or more of the''asks listed in the Memorandum. the County <br />Project Manager will deter -nine if the Tasks or portions thereof have been satisfactorily <br />completed. Upon a determination of satisfactory completion. the County Project Manager <br />will authorize payment to be made fur the Task, 'casks, or portions thereof. AfI payments <br />ft)r services shall be made to the Consultant by the County in accordance with the Florida <br />Prompt Payment Act (Florida Statutes §218.70 ct seq.) <br />Indian Rker CoumN I'acr 6 <br />