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C.1 <br />• <br />Ob <br />M <br />solution shall be mechanically or hydraulically agitated in the well. The acid solution shall <br />be inhibited to prevent unnecessary corrosion of the wells. A large amount of water or a <br />buffer solution shall be present on site to mitigate the effects of a release of acid to the <br />surface from the tivell. The spent acid shall be properly disposed of offsite or will be <br />neutralized prior to discharge by the Contractor. <br />Task 10.0 Airlift/ Development <br />The Contractor shall perform airlift development in two stages. The first stage shall entail <br />using the reverse air method to remove debris and bacteriological sludge from the well. <br />This is done to provide that the debris does not migrate back into the formation, which <br />could further degrade well performance. The second stage of airlift development shall be <br />using the direct air method using an air compressor, Total time for development for both <br />stages at each well is anticipated to be up to 24 hours. <br />Task 11.0 Post Treatment Video Survey <br />To document the physical results of the maintenance activities performed, the Contractor <br />shall perform a color video survey after completion of the development activities. The <br />survey will be recorded on VHS format videotape. Four copies of the survey videotape <br />shall be provided to CDM w'.:hin five working days of completion of the survey. <br />Task 12.0 Post Treatment Specific Capacity Test <br />A three step specific capacity test shall be performed to quantify the improvement in well <br />performance after the maintenance activities have been performed. The results from the <br />test will be used for comparative purposes to determine if further mechanical and <br />chemical treatments (Tasks 8.0 through 10.0 above) are required. The Contractor may <br />supply the pump and motor, discharge piping, and flow measuring equipment on a <br />temporary basis or may reinstall the well's production pump and appurtenances so that <br />a specific capacity test may be performed at each well. <br />Task 13.0 Installation of Production Pump <br />The pump, motor, and well column pipe that is the original equipment for the well shall <br />be installed and tested by the contractor. The Contractor shall provide and install an <br />appropriately sized foot valve designed to prevent back washing of water into the well. <br />After installation, the wellhead will be sealed to prevent contamination from surface water. <br />Task 14.0 Final Well Disinfection <br />The well and appurtenances shall be disinfected under American Water Works Association <br />Chapter 0654 Section 5 guidelines. The County shall be responsible for collecting and <br />analyzing the required bacteriological samples.. <br />Task 15.0 regional Water level Data Evaluation <br />In order to provide a context in which to evaluate the individual well test data, regional <br />water level data will be compiled and evaluated. The Engineer will review the regional <br />monitoring well network and obtain available water level data for the past 10 years for up <br />to three wells to establish a baseline to evaluate well performance. Trend graphs will be <br />constructed that may be used by the County for comparison purposes. <br />(b.1 132 <br />