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4P <br />Cl <br />40 <br />2. During the emergency period, broadcasting time will he every hour, at the top of the <br />hour, for a minimum of 10 minutes, possibly longer if necessary to complete rhe <br />dissemination of emergency information. <br />3, Central Education Broadcasting Inc., WSCF 91.9, agrees to allow the County to <br />develop a system thatwill provide immediate broadcasting capability from the County <br />Administration Building to the public using NVSCF FM 91.9. '['his will be a secured <br />system and all expenses to plana, develop, license, install, maintain and operate will be <br />paid by the County. <br />4. The initial contract period will be for 10 years with automatic annual renewals unless <br />either party notifies the other in writing; of their intention not to renew 90 days prior <br />to the annual renewal. <br />5. 'ne County agrees to allow Central E.ducation Broadcasting Inc., XVSCF 91.9, to <br />advertise this agreement regarding the station [icing designated as the station which <br />Emergency Management will be disseminating; emergency/ recovery information. <br />G. The County agrees to be responsible for any Fines, penalties, or punishment for any <br />broadcasting; violations during; the time broadcasting is performed by the County stat'. <br />line County will not deviate from industry standard broadcasting procedures. <br />7. The County agrees to pay for all cost associated with this Agreement. <br />8. The Emergency Services Director will provide, in writing to the (lcnmd Education <br />Broadcastings Inc., General Manager, the names of his designees who are authorized <br />to initiate the broadcast operation. <br />9. Indian Iziver Countyagrees to abide by -,Jl. FCC regulations rcgarding use of National <br />Emergency Alerting; System, Indian River County will not disrupt any F -AS message <br />from Federal Officials. <br />10. Central liducation Broadcasting Inc., WSCF 91.9, agrees to incorporate this contract <br />and the terms anti conditions into any purchase and sale agreement so as to bind any <br />new company owner to the terms of this agreement <br />11. Indian River County recognizes the station's responsibility to t, ollow all PCC rules and <br />regulations, and nothing; in this agreemcntshould be construcd it) supersede FCC rules <br />and regulations. <br />