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I-] <br />40 <br />a <br />Remedial Actions <br />Actions consistent with a permanent remedy which are necessary to prevent or <br />minimize the release of hazardous materials so that they do not spread or cause <br />substantial danger to public health and safety, or to the environment. <br />Reportable Quantity (RQ1. <br />The quantity of a hazardous substance that triggers reporting under CERCLA; <br />if a substance is released in a quantity that exceeds its RQ, the release must be <br />reported to the National Response Center {NRC}, as well as to the State <br />Emergency Response Commission (SERC) and the community emergency <br />coordinator for areas likely to be affected by the release, <br />State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) <br />Commission appointed by each State governor according to the requirements <br />of Title III of SARA; duties of the commission include designating emergency <br />planning districts, appointing Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC), <br />supervising and coordinating the activities of planning committees, reviewing <br />emergency plans, receiving chemical release notifications, and establishing <br />procedures for receiving and processing requests from the public for <br />information. <br />Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQa <br />A quantity designated for each chemical an the list of extremely hazardous <br />substances (EHSs) that triggers notification by facilities of the State Emergency <br />Response Commission (SERC) that such facilities are subject to emergency <br />planning under Title III of SARA.. <br />Vulnerable Zone <br />An area over which the airborne concentration of a chemical involved in an <br />accidental release could reach the level of concern (LOC). <br />xii <br />