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4W <br />40 <br />4D <br />Limited Emergency Condition <br />An incident involving a greater hazard or larger area which ,poses a potential <br />threat to life and/or property and which may require a limited evacuation of the <br />surrounding area. <br />Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) <br />A committee appointed by the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC), <br />as required by Title III of SARA, to formulate a comprehensive emergency plan. <br />for its district. <br />Material Safety Data Sheet( <br />A compilation of information required under the OSHA Hazard Communication <br />Standard on the identity of hazardous chemicals, health and physical hazards, <br />exposure limits, and precautions. Section 311 of Title III of SARA requires <br />facilities to submit MSDS's under certain conditions. <br />Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL1 <br />This is the 8 hour time -weighted average or ceiling concentration above which <br />workers may not be exposed. The use of personal protective equipment may <br />be advisable where there is a potential for exposure. <br />Potential Emergency_ Condition <br />An incident or threat of a release which can be controlled by the first response <br />agencies and does not require evacuation of other than the involved structure <br />or the immediate outdoor area. The incident is confined to a small area and <br />does not pose an immediate threat to life or property. <br />Recommended Exposure Limit (,REL) <br />A NIOSH recommended exposure limit (REL) is the work -place exposure <br />concentration recommended by NIOSH for promulgation by OSHA as a PEL, but <br />is not enforceable as is the OSHA PEL. In some cases, NIOSH has described <br />tirroe-weighted average concentrations in terms of 10 -hour, rather than 8 -hour, <br />averages. <br />xl <br />