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7/11/2024 11:52:19 AM
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7/11/2024 11:48:36 AM
Official Documents
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First Amendment
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Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.
First Amendment to Agreement for Utility Services Comprehensive Rate Study
for Additional Community Engagement Marketing Services
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(3 Stantec <br />Scope of Services <br />TASK 1- WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS PLAN <br />A written communications plan is a key component of successful engagement and is the framework from which <br />the project team will operate. The plan has multiple facets, each of which is arrived at through a collaborative <br />effort between the County's project team and Stantec. Due to the shorter engagement period associated with <br />the project, this effort will result in a summary style plan, consisting of 4-5 pages as outlined below: <br />• Stakeholder Mapping (to be provided by the County) <br />• Key Messaging (4-5 key messages that address the 'what, 'why' and 'when' of the rate study) <br />• Outreach strategy, including identifying the tools to be used and the timing of each to maximize reach <br />within budget and time allowed. <br />• Outreach schedule, which will build off the schedule for considering identified rate increases, ensuring <br />that stakeholder touchpoints are in alignment with the key milestone dates. <br />The development of the communications plan in iterative in nature and will require 2 virtual meetings, to <br />develop and review drafts of the items outlined above. <br />TASK 2 - CORE OUTREACH TEAM COORDINATION <br />To best serve the project, a core outreach team should be developed that includes key members of the County <br />staff as well as the Stantec rate study and public engagement specialists. Others may be added or participate <br />periodically, but the core group of 6-8 individuals will typically engage on a one-hour scheduled call every other <br />week for the duration of the effort until rate adjustments are formally considered to coordinate action items, <br />discuss issues/feedback, and evaluate/review progress on the various engagement tools. The estimated hours <br />and fees included herein assume a twice a month calls for a period of 4 months. <br />TASK 3 — WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT <br />The development of a focused website is key to establishing a communication portal with stakeholders for <br />information about the utility and the rate study. Efforts are made to drive as much communication as possible <br />to and through the website for utility information, rate study updates, schedule, and to function as a repository <br />for questions and comments. These questions and comments will be sent to a web -based e-mail address and <br />then forwarded automatically to an e-mail address of the County's choosing for cataloguing and responses. <br />It is recommended that the website utilize a vanity URL that can outlast the project so the site can used if <br />desired as a future reporting tool on the success of the program and proactive communications about Indian <br />River County Utilities Department and future rate reviews/updates. <br />The site will be designed using a service such as Squarespace or GoDaddy and will be hosted on a third -party <br />server. Once created, the URL and the website will belong to the County. Upon initial development, once a <br />month updates to the website are included in the estimated fee for a period of up to 4 months. However, <br />domain name costs and web services costs (estimated at $1,500 / year) will be the responsibility of the County. <br />777 S Harbour Island Boulevard, Suite 600 • Tampa, Florida 33602-5729 . Phone (904) 631-5109 <br />Purge 2 <br />® Stantec <br />
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