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Work Order #_— Bowman Consulting Group <br />Fairgrounds Portable IFAS/Extension Facility <br />373.406(6), Bowman will apply for a stormwater exemption that will be determined by the St Johns River Water <br />Management District (SJRWMD). The proposed development will have minimal impacts on water resources, <br />and therefore, is anticipated to be given an exemption. <br />The utilities design will illustrate service extensions from existing water and sewer mains on the Fairgrounds site <br />to the proposed portables. A modular lift station is anticipated for the sanitary sewer service. The lift station will <br />connect to an existing 4" force main along the Fairgrounds' north driveway. <br />This task will include the following deliverables: <br />• Construction -level plans including site, paving and grading, utilities, and construction details. <br />• Lift Station Calculations & Design. <br />• Opinion of Probable Cost for Civil Elements (ie: grading, utilities). <br />Task 4 — Permitting <br />Bowman will prepare applications for the following jurisdictional Permits: <br />• IRC Minor Site Plan; <br />• IRC Land Clearing & Tree Removal; <br />• IRC Utilities Construction Permit (UCP); <br />• Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Water Construction General Permit; and <br />• FDEP Wastewater General Permit. <br />Permit exemptions are anticipated from the following agencies: <br />• St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) <br />• IRC Engineering <br />Task 5 — Construction Observation and Certification <br />Following the selection of a contractor and award of bid, Bowman shall provide construction observation and <br />certification services. This task shall include shop drawing review, response to contractor requests for clarification <br />(RFC's), and attendance of formal inspection/testing events. Upon completion of construction the project's <br />conformance to contract documents shall be certified to jurisdictional agencies. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />