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40 <br />Contract #SD624AA <br />irrigation, and flood protection. The Drainage District has jurisdiction of over 300 miles of <br />drainage canals. Three primary outfalls, the Main Relief Canal, the North Relief Canal and the <br />South Relief Canal, discharge approximately 100 million gallons of runoff over the watershed <br />area into the IRL during an average day. <br />Under the agreement, a Master Stormwater Management Plan will be developed, and will be <br />comprised of retention/detention ponds, wetland treatment systems or other effective systems, all <br />connected to the drainage area of the Main Relief Canal and/or South Relief Canal of the <br />IRFWCD canal system, which will reduce flooding and remove stormwater pollutants. In <br />addition, a NPDES compliance program will be provided. Subsequent master planning will <br />address the North Relief Canal. <br />The watersheds of the Main Relief Canal and the South Relief Canal are generally urbanized in <br />the eastern one-third of the watershed and primarily agricultural in the western portion of the <br />watershed. A large area in the central portion of the watersheds is designated 100 -year <br />floodplain on FEMA maps, as proposed by Gee and Jenson Engineers in the late 1980s. Various <br />lateral canals accept runoff from east -west sub -laterals spaced at one-half mile intervals. The <br />topography is of low relief. <br />The runoff is stored or attenuated within the 100 -year floodplain boundary prior to the outfalls <br />being able to discharge it. Flooding occurs within the 100 -year floodplain in localized areas. <br />Older developments within approximately 15% of the 50,000 acre watershed provide minimal or <br />no water quality treatment. The discharge of freshwater runoff degrades the quality of the <br />brackish estuarine environment, increases suspended solid loadings in seagrass areas, and <br />pollutes the IRL. <br />The project will be a cooperative effort between the St. Johns River Water Management District, <br />Indian River County, IRFWCD, and the City of Vero Beach. In addition, Environmental <br />Consulting & Technology, Inc. (ECT), will assist in the modeling effort. ECT is working under <br />the direction of Calpine Corporation, a proposed for profit provider of energy in Indian River <br />County. <br />III. PROJECT TASKS <br />Task No. 1— Data collection and preliminary modeling by ECT <br />I -A. Data Collection/InventotyofSystem <br />An investigation of existing field data, including known elevations of all necessary <br />control structures, canal cross-sections, canal profile, and physical attributes of the <br />primary IRFWCD outfall system shall be performed by COUNTY and Carter and <br />Associates. This data will be given to ECT and used in the computer model developed <br />by ECT in task 1-B outlined below. If needed, additional as -built data shall be obtained <br />by the Consultant and input into the model at a later date by DISTRICT. Topographic <br />information of the watershed shall be obtained from existing sources. <br />I -B ECT will convert the version 3 SWMM model, originally developed by Williams, <br />Hatfield, and Stoner, to the most current version of the SWMM model to be used by <br />Page 11 of 19 <br />