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40 <br />Section V, Environmental Review (NOTF: This aPPiicafiotr carurot lie prores.sedifthis section is not completed,) <br />Because the 1°IMCxPIFMA ate federally funded programs, all projects are required to undergo an environmental review as part of [lie <br />grant application process. Moreover, all projects must comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and associated <br />Federal. State, Tribal, and Local statutes to obtain funding. NO WORK call be done prior to the NFPA review process. If work Is <br />(tone on your proposed project before the NEPA review is completed, it will NOT he eligible for Federal funding. <br />A. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Documents <br />All projecrsmusthaveadequateNEPAdocumetuafioir thatenables the FEMA Regional E'rlvironmen talOfficer to determine ifthe proposed <br />project complies with NEPA and associated statutes. rhe F'EA4A Mifigation Division Environmental Specialists provide comprehensive <br />NEPA technical assistance for States and Applicants, with their consent, to complete the NEPA review. The type and quantity of NEPA <br />documents required to make this determination varies depending upon the project's size, location. and complexity. however„ at a <br />rnininrum, please provide the applicable documentation from this section to facilitate rhe NEPA compliance process. <br />lfyour project fits into one of rhe descriptions listed betaM <br />development of mitigation plans; <br />inspection and monitoring activities; <br />studies involving only staff time and funding; <br />training activities using existing facilities; <br />please include rhe following required NEPA documentation: <br />CI detailed project description, scope of work, and budgellcosts (Section Il (p. 3) and Section IV (p. 4)) <br />For all other projects, attac►tfrnclude Ihefoltowing NEPA documentsf ll/brtnatt'on: <br />❑ detailed project description, scope of work, and budgeticosts (Section II (p. 3) and section IV (p. 5) of this application) <br />❑ Project arca maps (Section Ili, part A lu B of this application (p. 4)). <br />❑ Project arealstructure photographs (Section III, part C of this application (p.4)). <br />❑ Project alternatives description and impacts (part B of this section of the application (pp. 7-9)). <br />❑ A latter from the State I Iistoric Preservation Officer (SIJ PO) regarding cultural resources (archeological and historic) in <br />the project area (NOTE:: Please inform rhe SHPO if a sirttcrure to be altered is over 50y=ears old.) <br />El Provide any applicable information or documentation refcrcnccdontile "lnforrnationand Documentation Needs by Project <br />7)pe" chart (page I Do f this application) <br />B. Alternative Actions <br />The NEPA process requires that at least two alternative actions be considered that address the same problenu'issue as the proposed <br />project, In this section, list two feasible altemative projects to mitigate the hazards faced in the project area. One alternative is <br />the "No Action Alternative. <br />1. No Action Alternative <br />Discuss the impacts on the project area if no action is taken: <br />If no action Is taken, there will be a cautinued public safety threat to tite citizens of Indian River County due to the <br />current defiiclt of "safe" shelter space. <br />Page 8 of 15 <br />