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• <br />0 <br />WORK AUTHORIZATION # 5 <br />ENGINEERING SERVICES PROPOSAL <br />for <br />TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSION STUDY <br />October 27, 2000 Wo- <br />BACKGROUND <br />o <br />BACKGROUN? <br />Indian River County Utilities (IRCU) recently had one (1) of its major facilities struck by <br />lightening, causing significant damage to its electrical control system. The County has <br />five (5) major water and wastewater treatment facilities critical to tile performance of the <br />system. IRCU has requested WCG {"The Engineer") prepare a study of the electrical <br />systems for the five (5) water and wastewater treatment facilities to specifically review <br />the transient voltage surge suppression systems (TVSS) and make recommendations on <br />improvements. <br />The following is the specific scope of services: <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />1. Collection and Review Existing Data and Meeting (Kick Off Meeting) <br />The Engineer and its subconsultant will meet with designated IRCU staff. The Engineer <br />will visit the five (5) plants over a three (3) day period to review with IRCU staff the <br />electrical system function, as -built drawings, and any modifications to the systems since <br />installation. <br />2. Preparation of Report <br />The Engineer shall prepare five (5) copies of a draft report outlining findings and <br />recommendations. The report will specifically prioritize recommendations. A cost <br />estimate of recommendations will be provided. <br />The Engineer will meet with IRCU to review the report, receive comments, and then <br />modify as necessary. Dive (5) copies of the report will be provided to IRCU. <br />IRCU RESPONSIBIL ITES AND ACTIVITES <br />IRCU will provide the following information or perform the following activities: <br />1. Provide O & M staff to go through the five (5) facilities with the Engineer. <br />2. As -Built or Record Drawing Plans of the five (5) facilities. <br />