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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final June 4, 2024 <br />Attachments: Staff Report <br />Everside Photo Collage <br />Human Resource Director Suzanne Boyll utilized a PowerPoint presentation to <br />provide an update on the Indian River County Everside Health Center, <br />emphasizing a successful collaboration with Everside Health. The center opened <br />on October 30, 2023, and has seen an increased participation rate and positive <br />patient feedback. <br />She stated that the center has resulted in significant financial benefits, including <br />total diverted healthcare costs and member savings of $657,594. The health <br />center's high utilization, at 66%, had prompted consideration for adding an <br />additional Nurse Practitioner. Additionally, a proposal to establish a direct <br />contract for radiology and imaging services with Everside Health was discussed to <br />streamline the process and offer a cost-effective alternative despite the potential <br />increased expense. <br />Further discussion was had between the Board and staff regarding the wait time <br />to get an appointment and whether adding additional staff would improve that. <br />Hiring a Nurse Practitioners versus hiring a Doctor was also discussed. <br />Vice Chairman Flescher and Commissioner Loar each expressed their satisfaction <br />with the health center's success. It was noted that if an employee chose to remain <br />on the County health plan after age 65, they would still be able to utilize the <br />Everside Health Center. <br />Commissioner Earman was pleased with the results and happy the facility had <br />finally come to fruition. <br />Ms. Boyll mentioned that the Indian River County Employee Health Fair would <br />be held here at the Administration Building on August 14, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. to <br />12:30 p.m. <br />Chairman Adams stated that the County had started this initiative because the <br />number of medical issues was increasing and becoming a problem. The County <br />tried to devise a strategy to minimize these issues in the long term. She stated that <br />significant savings had been made within the first six months, and this trend would <br />continue to keep the costs down and save taxpayer dollars. Another significant <br />benefit was the convenience and reduced stress for employees seeking medical <br />care. She felt this initiative was making a positive difference beyond just reducing <br />medical claims. <br />Indian River County Florida Page 13 <br />