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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final June 4, 2024 <br />might be chaotic, with people moving in different directions. However, adjustments <br />such as setting specific drop-off times for other grade levels were generally made <br />within a week. Over time, the school would manage to streamline its operations. <br />Vice Chairman Flescher thanked the Pastor and staff for addressing the concerns and <br />working to advance a faith -based school during challenging times. He appreciated <br />Mr. Klein's input and believed his concerns had been addressed. He hoped the <br />Pastor's aspirations for this school would come to fruition. <br />There being no further discussion the Chairman closed the Public Hearing. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Loar, seconded by Vice Chairman <br />Flescher, to approve stafrs recommendation, and to cover the request for relief <br />from landscaping along the corridor of the South property line. The motion <br />carried by the following vote: <br />Aye: 5 - Chairman Adams, Vice Chairman Flescher, Commissioner Earman, Commissioner <br />Moss, and Commissioner Loar <br />B. PUBLIC DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />C. PUBLIC NOTICE ITEMS <br />11. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR MATTERS <br />12. DEPARTMENTAL MATTERS <br />A. Community Services <br />B. Emergency Services <br />C. Human Resources <br />12.C.1. 24-0459 Indian River County Everside Health Center - 6 Month Update & Request for <br />Approval of Additional Staffing and Direct Contract for Radiology Services <br />Recommended Action: Staff respectfully request the Board of County Commissioners approve <br />authorizing Everside to recruit and employ another nurse practitioner to staff the <br />Indian River County Everside Health Center increasing the staffing to two (2) <br />Nurse Practitioners and two (2) Medical Assistants; authorizing Everside to enter <br />into a direct contract for radiology services, with pricing to be reviewed by <br />Lockton and staff for competitiveness, with costs paid as a pass-through expense <br />under the Everside agreement; authorizing Everside to begin providing no cost <br />radiology referrals to health center patients when referred by Everside Health for <br />imaging under the direct contract; and authorizing the Chairman to execute any <br />necessary amendment to the agreement with Everside to implement the authorized <br />changes upon review by Lockton and staff as well as review by the County <br />Attorney for legal sufficiency. <br />Indian River County Florida Page 12 <br />