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4R <br />4D <br />E-11 <br />0 <br />Drug CeWrof and Sjrstem Improvement Project Project Generated Income Report <br />b. The Project Generated Income (PGI) Reporting Form is designed to report income and interest <br />earned as a result of project achvilics and to request expenditures of same. <br />2. Fill in the required information in the blank spato at lite top of the form ;county. subgr ntce. <br />project number. report period the appropriate reporting period by quarter. project title. and <br />proposed method of expenditure). <br />3. Column 1: Total As,"s and Seizures Forfeited and Other Income Gencraled as a Result (NGrant <br />Activities this Ouarter -- This column must renecl the total amount of cash rmcivcd as a result <br />of sales of sci ed property and cash seized during this quarter. <br />4. Column 2: Total Amount of PGI Earned this Quarter » The Forfeitures column must reflect 75 <br />percent or the percentage of federal funding of the amount reflected in the Assets and Scixures <br />Forfeited column. [Example: If grant is split 50150, only SO percent of Total Forfeitures should <br />be reflected.] The Interest column must reflect interest earned on forfeitures. <br />5. Column 3. 'total Amount ofPGI flamed to Dale =-This column should reflect a cumuiative total <br />of PGI (Forfeitures and Interest) earned to date. <br />6. Column 4: Total Amount of PGI Unbaudgcicd --This column should reflect the amount of PGI <br />not budgeted in Column 5. <br />7. Column S. Requesting Budget Approval to Expend PGi kA,by Budget Category -- This column <br />should reflect a cumulative breakdown by budget category of proposed and already approved <br />expenditures. The letter of submission requesting approval to expend PGI must indicate lite <br />amount. method of expenditure {Addition or Match) and lite purpose for which it will be <br />expended and must b,- submitted along with the Budget Narrative and Project Generated Income <br />Agreement (copy of blank Budget Narrative and Agreement attached). <br />8, Column 6: PGI Expenditures by Budget Category to Date -- This column should reflect a <br />continuous update of PGI expenditures. The dollar amounts reflected in each budged category <br />should be cumulalive for all previous quarters of grant operation. <br />9. Column 7: Remaining PGI to be Expended by Budgel Category—This column should reflcsl PGI <br />funds that have been approved forex icrulaure but have not been expended. The remaining funds <br />should be reflected by budget category and should be cumulative. <br />10. Whcr. rcquestingauthortzation to expend. submit two (2) full copies ofthc PGI Report (including <br />the Budget Narrative page) and two (2) copies of the agreement with oritanu1 signatures, <br />NOTE: <br />PGI Reports must he submitted qumrlerly, even after <br />the project ends, until all PGI earned is expended. <br />Reviser! 09/26/45 Its stra c it ow s for Compfeting ,PGG Rel) (w Fnrmay <br />