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1 <br />J <br />1 <br />factory conclusions having been arrived at, such motion was seconded by Commissioner <br />helseth, and upon being put to a vote the same was unanimously adopted* <br />it was ordered that woad �bnipt. Kersey and the meehFanio look over a Model "A" <br />Ford truck of the Sebastian Groves Co., now being advertised to be sold at bheriff's <br />sale, and if the wane can be purchased at a bid not to exceed V-100.00 the Supt. <br />is authorized to purchase the same. <br />`.there being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried the Board <br />then ad j ourned . <br />ATTEST: Ulairman <br />e r . <br />THURSDAY, !AOVENBER 2nd 1933. <br />The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian giver County, Florida, met at <br />the Court douse in Vero Beach, at 3:00 o'clock F'.C?. Thursday, november 2nd 1333, with <br />the following members of the Board present: J.J.-P.Bamilton, Chairman; x.S@Nadge; John <br />M. Knight and Wdwin ca, trielseth. also present were miles warrens Clerk and William <br />.Frick � eriff . <br />The 'State Board of Administration having advised this .Hoard of certain proposals <br />received to sell certain securities of the County of Indian xiver, and the Hoard having <br />fully discussed the same, and having considered, the following resolution was introduced <br />by Commissioner Mudge, who moved its adoption: <br />wHEIMAS, the Board of Administration has submitted certain proposals of persons <br />and firms offering to sell to said Board of Administrations bonds of the County of Ind- <br />ian River, under the provisions of house bill no. 30, acts or the 1966 session of the <br />Legislature, and <br />• w.HEIWAs, after carefully considering all of such proposals, and considering tine <br />amount of funds available with said Board of Administration, for this purpose, and tak- <br />ing into consideration all existing conditions, it is deemed advisable to approve the <br />purchase of certain bonds of Special Raft & Bridge District 3p4; <br />T OREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of ind4an river <br />t <br />County, Florida, in special session that the Hoard of administration be requested to <br />purchase for account of said -b-pecial Road & Bridge .ui strict the following bonds,to-wit: <br />5 bonds due July 1, 1944 <br />1 bond due July 1, 1938 <br />1 bond due July 11, 1939, to be purchased from Tax Adjust - <br />mens Service, Inco, Fort Fierce, Florida at a price of 37 flat, and 5 bonds due July 1, <br />1936, to be purchased from ihomas M Cook &. Co., vest Palm Beach, .Florida, at a price of <br />37 flat , and One (1) bond due July 19 19461, to be purchased from viarren v York & Co . , <br />1014, Hamilton St. , Allentown, -Penna, at at price( of 41 flat. <br />The above resolution was seconded by Commissioner R.elseth., and upon being put to <br />a vote was unanimously, adopted. <br />( <br />It was moved, seconded and, carried that Projects #29, 30 and 31 of the Counter <br />Relief Organization, for the Clet ring and grading of certain roads in the County be <br />approved and properly certified to kstate headquarters for acceptahce. <br />It was ordered that v+illiam Yates, pauper, be stricken from the pauper list, softer <br />the warrants are mailed at the meeting to be held Tuesday, bolVember 7th 1933. <br />Z `The Tax assessor having completed the tax roll for the year 1933, and having the <br />same betore the County Commissioners, together with two copies thereof, as provided by <br />law, and; the same having been examined. and <br />duly <br />approved by <br />the Board) <br />warrant to the Tax Collector was annexed to <br />said <br />tax roll, <br />to --,wit: <br />the following <br />