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`.LkiW =ATE Ota FL0xiDA1. <br />To Troy B. Noodys <br />`t'a,x Collector of the County of- Indian hiver. <br />You are hereby commanded to collect out of the reel estate and personal property, <br />and from each of the persons and corporations named in the annexed roll, the taxes set <br />down in each roll opposite each name, corporation or partial bf land therein described , <br />and in case taxes so imposed are not paid at the time prescribed, by law, you are to <br />collect the same by levy and sale of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements so <br />assessed, or of the person or corporation so taxed.; and all sums collected for the State <br />taxes you are to pay to the State Treasurer at such time as may be required by lav, and <br />at the same time you are to pay to the legally qualified depository all sums collected <br />for County taxes, district school taxes and other special taxes; and you are further <br />required to make all collections on or before the first Monday in April; and on or <br />before the first Monday in July you will make a final report to and settlement with the <br />Comptroller and County Commissioners. <br />Given under my hand and seal this 2nd. day of Wovember, in the year A. D. 1933. <br />Wo R. Duncan, Assessor of Taxes, <br />Indian River county. <br />Commissioner Mudge introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />1'hereas0 the 1933 Legislature by House Bill He« 304 known as the Kanner Act, being <br />Chapter 158910 did provide, among other things, that the State Board of Administration <br />was authorised Brod direoted, on and with the approval of the Board of County Commission - <br />era of the affected county, to use any or all of the moneys derived from gasoline taxes <br />and credited to the a►ocotmt of such county for road or road and bridge districts therein <br />for the purpose of purchasing bonds; and <br />lYhereas# this Board, namely, the Board of Bounty Commissioners of Indian River <br />County* did at a meeting of said Board held August 21# 19330 adapt the provisions of said <br />Kanner Lot iu so far as the same affected Indian River 0ouAty and road or road and bridge <br />districts therein by resolution which# among other things, provided "that this Board here- <br />by elects to involve and does hereby accept and adopt the provisions of paragraph rtpc of <br />House Bill No0 34 approved, May 290 1933, and does hereby determine that It is for the <br />best interest of Indian River County to use any and all moneye derived from the gasoline <br />tax and now or hereafter credited to the account of this county for road and bridge dip - <br />;trios therein for the purpose of purchasing$ at a price below the par value thereof, and <br />at the lowest acceptable offer, subject to the specific limitations hereinafter presori <br />any road and bridge bond or bonds of such county or special district"; and <br />Whereas, the Board of Qouaty Commissioners of Indian River bounty does desire to <br />modify said resolution. adopted ,August 210 1933, by elltinating from said resolution and <br />from the effect and operation of the said Kanner Act Special Road and Bridge District <br />Ha. 4 in Indian River County, Klerlda, and Wubasaso Bridge District; in Indian River Count] <br />Florida* and to provide that said resolution of August 210 1933, and said Kanner Act sh413 <br />no longer apply to said Road and Bridge District No# 4 and to said Wabasso Bridge <br />District in said county, but that Other th= asto said two districts said resolution and <br />3 <br />the provisions of said Kenner Act, as described in said resoluti.ono shall remain in full <br />force and effect; therefore$ <br />Be It Resolved by the Board of 0ot0nty 00namissioners of Id en River county* Florida$ <br />that said resolution of said Board adopted August Sl, 19330 shall be modified by elimine- <br />ting therefrom Special Road and Bridge District Ma,► 4 and Wabasso Bridge District in sold <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />