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BOOK 'AGE k17 <br />home's responsibility to transport their residents, so, there is an <br />underlying question as to whose responsibility it really is to pay <br />for transportation, the nursing home's or the individual's. In <br />answer to the question, at this point, he specified he was against <br />Alternate 3. <br />Jim Ross of City Cab advised that he presently works with the <br />Council on Aging in providing transportation 24 hours a day. His <br />only concern is that before bringing in other companies from other <br />counties, we make sure we are utilizing the companies who pay <br />Indian River County taxes. <br />Carol Bepler, one of the owners of Able Transport of <br />Sebastian, spoke against bringing another company into the area. <br />She advised she already had to cut one of their part-time workers. <br />If there is additional business, she would like to have it. <br />The Chairman asked if anyone else wished to be heard in this <br />matter. There being none, she closed the public hearing. <br />Commissioner Eggert made two comments. Her first was that <br />E.1.1s are providing their own transportation for their own <br />institutions. Second, she described herself as a "professional <br />rider of the various wheelchair vans" and she has not seen one that <br />has been dirty or unacceptable. At one time, there was a problem <br />with one ambulance service. <br />Commissioner Tippin favored competition in free enterprise. <br />He felt government should not be involved in this issue. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Tippin, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bird, the Board approved Alternative 3 <br />(by a 3-2 vote, with Chairman Adams and Commissioner <br />Eggert opposed) for a Class "E" certificate to be <br />issued to Able Health Services and limiting the <br />wheelchair transportation services to serve only <br />private pay clients. <br />Chairman Adams added that she would feel better if Able paid <br />taxes in the county. <br />35 <br />September 24, 1996 <br />