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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final July 2, 2024 <br />Chairman Adams said she had visited the site and had no problem withdrawing the <br />bond. The situation was made worse due to Intertech being based in Miami and there <br />was no one locally monitoring the site, nor did they send anyone to the site daily. They <br />were subcontracting the work without proper oversight, which posed a problem. She <br />mentioned that the purchasing process required considering the lowest, best, and most <br />responsive bidder scenarios, as per State Statutes. This presented a challenge when <br />projects lacked local contractors, and she inquired if there was a way to address this <br />in the purchasing process. She stated the County had capital projects coming up and <br />did not want to get back into a scenario where the lowest bidders were outside the <br />County. She mentioned a discussion was had about hiring a Capital Projects <br />Manager, which she thought, in this instance, would have been helpful to have staff <br />coordinating more with this project. <br />Purchasing Manager Jennifer Hyde responded that the County had a local preference <br />policy 15 years ago, but it was discontinued. She planned to discuss potential changes <br />to the purchasing section of the code with the County Administrator and propose <br />reintroducing a local preference policy. <br />The Board and staff further discussed the potential downside of the situation, <br />emphasizing the need for more control when selecting bidders to ensure they were <br />qualified and had the necessary staff for the project. <br />A motion was made by Vice Chairman Flescher, seconded by Commissioner <br />Loar, the Board to approve terminating the contract with Intertech Construction <br />Corporation of America, Inc. and to put the Bonding Company on notice that they <br />were to comply with the terms of their performance. The motion carried by the <br />following vote: <br />Aye: 5 - Chairman Adams, Vice Chairman Flescher, Commissioner Earman, Commissioner <br />Moss, and Commissioner Loar <br />8.T. 24-0548 Work Order Number 5, Continuing Engineering Services RFQ202315 -Fairgrounds <br />Mobile Office Building <br />Recommended Action: Staff respectfully requests that the Board of County Commissioners approve Work <br />Order 5, Continuing Engineering Services RFQ202315- Fairgrounds Mobile Office <br />Building and authorize the Chairman to execute the Work Order 5 after review and <br />approval by the County Attorney. <br />Attachments: Staff Report <br />Work Order 5, Bowman <br />Approved staffs recommendation <br />Indian River County Florida Page 10 <br />