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Oocusign Envelope IO: 90F53EAGE3Aa-80`-8< `-,EB6F4F1ECS80 <br />STATE OF FLORIIIA cEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATpN Fe—7254W41 <br />PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION oEVELO eME)a <br />GRANT AGREEMENT Occ 71= <br />coverage, or ACORD Certificates shall not relieve or excuse any obligation to procure and <br />maintain the insurance required herein, nor serve as a waiver of any rights or defenses the <br />Department may have <br />d. Wben the Agreement includes the construction of a railroad grade crossing, railroad overpass <br />or underpass structure, or any other work or operations within the limits of the railroad right- <br />of-way, including any encroachments thereon from work or operations in the vicinity of the <br />railroad right-of-way, the Agency shall, or cause its contractor to, in addition to the insurance <br />coverage required above, procure and maintain Railroad Protective Liability Coverage (ISL} <br />Form CG 00 35) where the railroad is the Named Insured and where the limits are not less <br />than $2,000,000 combined single limit for bodily injury and/or property damage per <br />occurrence, and with an annual aggregate limit of not less than $6,000,000. The railroad shall <br />also be added along with the Department as an Additional Insured on the policyfies procured <br />pursuant to the paragraph above. Prior to the execution of the Agreement, and at all renewal <br />periods which occur prior to final acceptance of the work, both the Department and the railroad <br />shall be provided with an ACORD Certificate of Liability Insurance reflecting the coverage <br />described herein. The insurance described herein shall be maintained through final <br />acceptance of the work. Both the Department and the railroad shall be notified in writing within <br />ten days of any cancellation, notice of cancellation, renewal, or proposed change to any policy <br />or coverage described herein. The Department's approval or failure to disapprove any <br />pciicylies, coverage, or ACORD Certificates shall not relieve or excuse any obligation to <br />procure and maintain the insurance required herein, nor serve as a waiver of any rights the <br />Department may have, <br />e. When the Agreement involves work on or in the vicinity of utility -owned property or facilities, <br />the utility shall be added along with the Department as an Additional Insured on the <br />Commercial General Liability policy/ies procured above. <br />19. Miscellaneous: <br />a. Environmental Regulations- The Agency will be solely responsible for compliance with all <br />applicable environmental regulations and for any liability arising from non-compliance with <br />these regulations, and will reimburse the Department for any loss incurred in connection <br />therewith_ <br />b. Non -Admission of Liability. In no event shall the making by the Department of any payment <br />to the Agency constitute or be construed as a waiver by the Department of any breach of <br />covenant or any default which may then exist on the part of the Agency and the making of <br />such payment by the Department, while any such breach or default shall exist, shall in no way <br />impair or prejudice any right or remedy available to the Department with respect to such breach <br />or default. <br />c. Severability. if any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remaincer of this <br />Agreement shall not be affected_ In such an instance, the remainder would then continue to <br />conform to the terms and requirements of applicable law. <br />d. Agency not an agent of Department The Agency and the Department agree that the <br />Agency, its employees, contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and subconsultants are not <br />agents of the Department as a result of this Agreement. <br />e. Bonus or Commission. By execution of the Agreement. the Agency represents that it has <br />not paid and, also agrees not to pay, any bonus or commission for the purpose of obtaining <br />an approval of its application for the financing hereunder. <br />f. Non -Contravention of State Law, Nothing in the Agreement shall require the Agency to <br />observe or enforce compliance with any provision or perform any act or do any other thing in <br />Page 15 of 23 <br />