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DocuSign Envelope ID 81)F53EAC-E3AB-4AA6-V"%;-E36F4FtEC88a <br />STATE OF FLOMOA DEPARTMENT OF TRA045PORTA7"ON form 725.06144 <br />PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION sTRAr +c <br />DEVEiOPf1ENT <br />GRANT AGREEMENT Or.0 7M <br />contravention of any applicable state law. If any of the provisions of the Agreement violate any <br />applicable state law, the Agency will at once notify the Department in writing so that <br />appropriate changes and modifications may be made by the Department and the Agency to <br />the end that the Agency may proceed as scan as possible with the Project. <br />g. Execution of Agreement. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, <br />each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute the same <br />Agreement. A facsimile or electronic transmission of this Agreement with a signature on behalf <br />of a party will be legal and binding on such party. <br />h. Federal Award Identification Number (FAIN). If the FAIN is not available prior to execution <br />of the Agreement, the Department may unilaterally add the FAIN to the Agreement without <br />approval of the Agency and without an amendment to the Agreement. if this occurs, an <br />updated Agreement that includes the FAIN will be provided to the Agency and uploaded to the <br />Department of Financial Services' Florida Accountability Contract Tracking System (FACTS). <br />I. inspector General Cooperation. The Agency agrees to comply with Section 20.055(5), <br />Florida Statutes, and to incorporate in all subcontracts the obligation to comply with Section <br />20.055(5), Florida Statutes. <br />j. Law, Forum, and Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance <br />with the laws of the State of Florida, In the event of a conflict between any portion of the <br />contract and Florida law, the laws of Florida shall prevail. The Agency agrees to waive forum <br />and venue and that the Department shall determine the forum and venue in which any dispute <br />under this Agreement is decided. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement on the day and year written above. <br />AGENCY the Indian Rim Coumi TE OF FLORIDA, DEPAR i MENT OF TRANSPORTATION <br />County Commissioners °a"'s�9"`a °' <br />$Y �+csFOFrseaa� <br />NarT -John P.Krane, P.E. <br />ame: an Adams i *: <br />,rTltW * CIrector of Transportation Development <br />T,tle: Chairman <br />Attest Ryan L. Butler, Clerk of <br />Ci it Court and Comptroller <br />oeputy cleric <br />STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION <br />Legal Review <br />by: <br />f7r.41 hLt1_ �jl11111,Au. <br />c _43CEaa83C38E.64 . <br />APPROVED AS TO F M <br />AN© SU FI N <br />BY t <br />fLL AM K. DEB L <br />COUNTY ATTORNEY <br />Page 16 of 23 <br />