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Exhibit A <br />RARC/aDIS <br />flooding, and potential malevolent acts. The Arcadis Team would also include customized Exercise Evaluation <br />Guides (EEGs), one set per scenario, which reflect the T&EP priorities and capabilities chosen at the T&EW. Also <br />included in the T&EP would be after -action and improvement plan (AAR/IP) guidance and templates and a T&E <br />Record for tracking and documented completed trainings and exercises. <br />Optional Task 2 - Wastewater System RRA <br />Arcadis would complete a wastewater system RRA following the AWWA J100 seven step standard methodology. <br />Existing system knowledge would be leveraged, and an initial needs list provided to the Department prior to a <br />brief Kickoff Meeting. Development of the RRA would include an Asset and Threat Workshop to identify mission - <br />critical assets and relevant associated threats (malevolent, accidental, natural, dependency, and proximity). <br />Following the workshop, a 5 -day consecutive onsite visit of select critical and representative assets would be <br />completed by three Arcadis staff. During the site visit, interviews would also be conducted with key staff. <br />A Consequence and Vulnerability Workshop would then be facilitated to identify and quantify potential impacts <br />based on threat -asset scenarios (for up to 150 threat -asset pairs). Associated vulnerabilities to potential impacts <br />would be discussed with input solicited by the Department. Arcadis would complete the Risk and Resilience <br />Analysis using a Risk Model/Power BI Tool. Risks and threats would be prioritized for potential mitigation. <br />Arcadis would then facilitate a RRA Results and Mitigation Workshop to review and adjust results as needed; <br />identify current, ongoing, and planned mitigation projects and initiatives; and select additional recommended <br />mitigation measures designed to reduce system risks and increase resilience. A high-level cost benefit evaluation <br />of mitigation measures would be completed for recommended timeline and potential funding mechanisms for <br />strategic implementation. Arcadis would submit a Draft Wastewater System RRA for review by the Department, <br />address comments, obtain approval for the final report, and submit the Final RRA to the Department. <br />Optional Task 3 — Incorporation of Wastewater System in the ERP <br />Arcadis would provide wastewater response considerations that include a revision of the Water ERP to <br />incorporate the following: <br />• Update the contact list with wastewater personnel information. <br />• Update the Incident Management Team (IMT) organization chart to include wastewater response <br />personnel. <br />• Develop up to five ISRPs for the following, as example: major line break, power loss, loss of SCADA, <br />pandemic response, and malevolent acts. Conduct interviews to obtain information. <br />• Review threats to the wastewater collection and treatment system and identify mitigation actions and <br />response actions. <br />• Incorporate existing sewer system overflow response plans, as determined. <br />• Update of appendices, including contact lists, forms, policies, equipment, and resources (including <br />generator list and evaluation of power provisions). <br />• Develop a wastewater system overview. <br />• Concept of Operations: Review and describe wastewater response related operations. Include <br />procedures in an appendix. <br />• Review and revise Emergency Action Levels and Initial Response Operations. <br />• Spare Parts and Equipment: Update to include Wastewater and Sanitation spare parts and equipment <br />information. <br />• Recovery: Update to include recovery actions for wastewater. <br />• Detection Strategies: Address Detection Strategies specifically for wastewater. <br />14 <br />