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10/15/2024 2:55:54 PM
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10/15/2024 2:50:57 PM
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Work Order
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Arcadis U.S., Inc.
Engineering Services Work Order 01 for Partial Release of Easement at 11225 US Highway 1
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Exhibit A <br />AARCADIS <br />review and comment. Following receipt of comments, Arcadis will address Department comments. A final <br />memorandum will be submitted that includes a mitigation integration approach, specific mitigation measures <br />and projects, and recommended approaches for inclusion in the resilience portion of the Department's Water <br />Master Plan. <br />Deliverables: <br />1. Draft resilience integration technical memorandum <br />2. Final resilience integration technical memorandum <br />Optional Tasks — Not Included in Current Fee Estimate <br />As requested, optional tasks are listed below and can be part of this contract or a separate task order based on <br />future scope discussions and development of cost estimates. <br />Optional Task 1— 5 -Year Multi -Year Training and Exercise Plan <br />Arcadis would develop a training and exercise (T&E) plan to include regulatory requirements and test the ERP <br />planning assumptions and supports building staff capabilities that enhance response actions in an emergency. <br />Our T&E Plans outline recommended trainings and exercises in a framework that includes a multi-year schedule <br />and specific T&E resource information. We believe that following the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation <br />Guide (HSEEP) Integrated Preparedness Plan (IPP) model is an effective approach. The following tasks to T&E <br />Plan development are outlined using the IPP process but customized for the Department. <br />Optional Task 1.1 - T&E Workshop (T&EW) <br />In preparation for the T&EW, the Arcadis team would review existing training and exercise related documentation. <br />In coordination with the Department, Arcadis would better understand the Department's T&E goals, priorities, and <br />current capabilities. The Arcadis team would link the Departments current efforts to The National Preparedness <br />Goal: 32 Core Capabilities and establish priorities as a starting point for T&EW discussions. Arcadis would then <br />develop a T&EW PowerPoint presentation for workshop participants to outline and display an initial preparatory <br />T&EW. At the T&EW, Arcadis would facilitate further discussion on goals, priorities, and capabilities that would lay <br />the foundation for a written T&E Plan. Throughout the T&EW process, Arcadis would document each step with <br />presentation materials and notes based on contributions by participants and final T&EW results. Our T&EW may <br />be held virtually to allow flexibility and reduced travel costs. <br />Optional Task 1.2 - Training and Exercise Plan (T&EP) <br />Arcadis would identify and develop a T&E course list of current local, state, and federal T&E course offerings in <br />each category. For the T&E Course List, Arcadis would include trainings at proficiency levels from awareness to <br />advanced and viable delivery methods that include on-line and in-person. <br />The Arcadis team would provide an overview on HSEEP principles regarding the building block approach, <br />exercise cycle, and exercise planning such as design and development, planning teams, and scenario <br />development for exercise conduct, evaluation, and after -action and improvement plan reporting. The Plan would <br />also include customized HSEEP templates for each phase of the T&EP. <br />The T&E Plan would include a multi-year schedule for drills, tabletops, and field exercises and the corresponding <br />information for implementation. The Arcadis team would include additional elements to operationalize the plan. <br />The plan would provide scenarios that include hazards most likely to impact the Department such as hurricanes, <br />13 <br />
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