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Deliverables <br />• Draft IWMP Module 1: Visioning <br />• IWMP Roadmap <br />Task 3 Evaluate Existing System Performance <br />3.1 Detailed Desktop Data Review <br />3.1.1 Follow -Up Document and Data Request and Review <br />CONSULTANT will review the status of data and documents requested in Task 2.1.1 <br />and will submit a supplemental data and document request. This request will include <br />information requested but not received in Task 2.1.1, clarification on information <br />received, as well as any new data and documents not previously requested. The <br />purpose of this data request is to collect additional data, reports, and relevant <br />information that CONSULTANT is made aware of during Task 2. <br />CONSULTANT will perform a detailed review of operational data, monitoring data, asset <br />inventory, previous master plans, CIPs, and other available data to inform workshop <br />discussions. CONSULTANT will compile findings as a section in Draft IWMP Module 2: <br />Existing System Performance. <br />3.1.2 Regulatory Review — Detailed <br />As regulatory drivers evolve over the course of the development and implementation of <br />the IWMP, it will be necessary to analyze and interpret existing and new data to <br />prioritize water quality issues and better understand long-term planning needs. <br />CONSULTANT will evaluate data compiled during the project with respect to regulatory <br />drivers and provide analyses relevant to planning and implementation of the IWMP <br />(e.g., relative water quality impacts, timing, relative magnitude of fiscal impacts, etc.). <br />Regulations identified will include relevant new (e.g., PFAS rule) and emerging (e.g., <br />M/DBP rule) regulations which may impact drinking water, wastewater, and reuse. <br />CONSULTANT will develop a regulatory timeline to visualize identified regulatory <br />milestones, deadlines, and other triggers over a 20 -year planning horizon. Timeline will <br />be delivered to COUNTY and incorporated into the IP Framework document. <br />Working with the COUNTY and their counsel, the CONSULTANT will engage the <br />Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to coordinate endorsement of <br />the IWMP. This coordination will likely involve a series of meetings with FDEP to gain <br />buy -in and discuss IWMP elements. <br />3.2 Vertical Asset Capacity Assessment <br />CONSULTANT will perform desktop capacity assessments of treatment infrastructure <br />and develop alternative improvement strategies for identified infrastructure or capacity <br />deficiencies. CONSULTANT will utilize the 2045 horizon for determining needed <br />infrastructure upgrades for mechanical and electrical equipment. CONSULTANT will <br />utilize the 2075 horizon as needed to assess new basin capacities and facilities. <br />CONSULTANT will develop an Excel workbook to record COUNTY's existing treatment <br />capacities as well as industry standard capacities for comparison. CONSULTANT will <br />use projections developed in Task 5.2 to define the expected demands and flows of the <br />2045 and 2075 planning horizons. <br />