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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />RYAN L. BUTLER, CLERK <br />Period End Date set forth in Section 2 above. <br />13. Matching Funds. The Grantee is required to provide a 100% match of the Grant Award Amount. Of the required <br />match, a minimum of 25% must be cash on hand. The remaining match may include in-kind services, volunteer <br />labor, donated materials, and additional cash. For projects located in Rural Economic Development Initiative <br />(REDI) counties or communities that have been designated in accordance with Sections 288.0656 and 288.06561, <br />Florida Statutes, Grantees may request a waiver of the match amount. Grantees that are Certified Local <br />Government (CLG) organizations and Main Street Program organizations are not required to provide a match. The <br />Grantee must submit documentation that the minimum match requirements have been met and provide to the <br />Division documentation evidencing expenses incurred to comply with this requirement. <br />14. Grant Completion Deadline. The grant completion deadline is the end date of this Agreement set forth in <br />Section 2 above. The Grant Completion Deadline is the date when all grant and matching funds have been paid out <br />or incurred in accordance with the work described in the Scope of Work, detailed in the Estimated Project Budget. <br />If the Grantee finds it necessary to request an extension of the Grant Completion Deadline, an Amendment to the <br />Agreement must be executed as per Section 7, and the stipulations in Section 15 must be met. <br />15. Extension of the Grant Completion Deadline. An extension of the completion date must be requested at least <br />thirty (30) days prior to the end of the Grant Period and may not exceed 30 days, unless the Grantee can clearly <br />demonstrate extenuating circumstances. An extenuating circumstance is one that is beyond the control of the <br />Grantee, and one that prevents timely completion of the Project such as a natural disaster, death or serious illness <br />of the individual responsible for the completion of the Project, litigation related to the Project, or failure of the <br />contractor or architect to provide the services for which they were contracted to provide. An extenuating <br />circumstance does not include failure to read or understand the administrative requirements of a grant or failure to <br />raise sufficient matching funds. Changes to the original completion deadline shall be valid only when requested in <br />writing, approved by the Division, and an Amendment to the Agreement has been executed by both parties and <br />attached to the original of this Agreement. The Grantee must provide documentation that a portion of the grant <br />funds and match contributions are encumbered and demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Division that project <br />work is progressing at a rate such that completion is achievable within the extended Grant Period. <br />16. Non -allowable Grant Expenditures. The Grantee agrees to expend all grant funds received under this <br />agreement solely for the purposes for which they were authorized and appropriated. Expenditures shall be in <br />compliance with the state guidelines for allowable Project costs as outlined in the Department of Financial <br />Services' Reference Guide for State Expenditures (revised 11/1/2019), which are incorporated by reference and <br />are available online at httpsJ/www.myfloridacfo com/docs-sf/accounting-and-auditing= <br />hbraries/stateagencies/reference-guide-for-state-expenditures pdf?sfvrsn=b4cc3337_2. The following categories of <br />expenditures are non -allowable for expenditure of grant funds and as contributions to required match: <br />a) Expenditures for work not included in the Scope of Work of the executed Grant Award Agreement; <br />b) Costs of goods and services not procured in accordance with procurement procedures set forth in <br />the Grant Award Agreement; <br />c) Costs not consistent with the grant project type, as described in section V.C.2. of the program <br />guidelines and as selected in the application; <br />d) Expenses incurred or obligated prior to or after the Grant Period, as indicated in the Grant Award <br />Page: 6 <br />Gant AN%ard Ageernent (Four CAA001), Effective 0712024 <br />Me IA -39.001, Florida Administhutl v Code <br />