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TASK 3 — PERMITTING (NO CHANGES) <br />TASK 4 — BIDDING PHASE (AMENDED) <br />These additional services are provided for the bid of the wellhead and raw watermain as a <br />standalone contract. Consultant will complete the following items for the second bid: <br />Consultant will prepare electronic copy of bid documents, including drawings and <br />specifications for IRCDUS purchasing department to be utilized for bidding purposes. <br />Consultant will assist IRCDUS with front-end bid document preparation. IRCDUS <br />purchasing department will advertise and administer the procurement of the bidding and <br />respond to potential bidder questions. <br />Consultant will attend a mandatory pre-bid meeting, respond to contractor questions and <br />prepare addendum(s), if required, which will be distributed to all the contract document <br />holders by IRCDUS purchasing department. Consultant will respond to up to two (2) <br />addenda during bid process. <br />Consultant will review bids, provide a summary of comments, and a letter that identifies <br />the most responsive and responsible bidder. <br />TASK 5 — CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES (AMENDED) <br />Consultant will provide construction administration services for the additional contract (wellhead <br />and raw watermain). These services will include contract document interpretation, shop drawing <br />and change order requests. Shop drawing submittal will be reviewed for conformance with the <br />intent of the contract documents. <br />Consultant's original proposal did not include payment application review. Based on two separate <br />construction contracts, Consultant anticipates up to eight (8) applications for payment for the well <br />drilling contract and up to twelve (12) applications for payment as part of the raw watermain and <br />wellhead contract. Based on its observations and on review of applications for payment and <br />accompanying supporting documentation, Consultant will review the amounts that the Consultant <br />recommends Contractor be paid. Such recommendations of payment will be in writing and will <br />constitute Consultant's representation to Client, based on such observations and review, that, to the <br />best of Consultant's knowledge, information and belief, Contractor's work has progressed to the <br />point indicated and that such work -in -progress is generally in accordance with the Contract <br />Documents. <br />Consultant's original proposal assumed 12 hours per day of drilling activities. Due to FDD's <br />request and IRCDUS approval for 24/5 work, there are additional services needed to staff the <br />project through key elements of construction. Consultant will utilize the services of JLA <br />Geosciences for construction oversight. JLA will provide hydrogeologic observation services, <br />hydrogeologic direction and well design/construction implementation during 24/5 construction of <br />Well S -1R. A JLA hydrogeologist will be present on site during 24/5 construction activities of <br />critical phases of the production well construction including: pilot hole drilling, geophysical <br />logging, casing installation and cement grouting. Other aspects of well construction oversight <br />including completion interval drilling, well development, pump testing and water quality testing <br />IG-IWPB _CivinGeneralWIack0oridaURCU1Wel1 SIRIAmendment120240611 -Amendment Sl9doc Page l of6 <br />Indian River County Utilities Department <br />