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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />RYAN L. BUTLER, CLERK <br />Contract# IRL2024N-08 <br />Encumbrance# GL01-2309 <br />online at and the "Internal Control Integrated <br />Framework" issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway <br />Commission (COSO) is available online at Internal Control Guidance. <br />C. PROPERTY STANDARDS <br />1. Standards <br />Each non -Federal entity must comply with the Property Standards set forth in 2 C.F.R. §§ <br />200.310 (Insurance coverage) through 200.316 (Property trust relationship). <br />2. Real and Personal Property <br />a. In accordance with 2 C.F.R. § 200.316 (Property trust relationship), real property, <br />equipment, and other personal property acquired or improved with a Federal award must <br />be held in trust by the non -Federal entity as trustee for the beneficiaries of the project or <br />program under which the property was acquired or improved. This trust relationship <br />exists throughout the duration of the property's estimated useful life, as determined by the <br />Grants Officer in consultation with the Program Office, during which time the Federal <br />Government retains an undivided, equitable reversionary interest in the property (Federal <br />Interest). During the duration of the Federal Interest, the non -Federal entity must comply <br />with all use and disposition requirements and restrictions as set forth in 2 C.F.R. §§ <br />200.310 (Insurance coverage) through 200.316 (Property trust relationship), as applicable, <br />and in the terms and conditions of the Federal award. <br />b. The Grants Officer may require a non -Federal entity to execute and to record (as <br />applicable) a statement of interest, financing statement (form UCC -1), lien, mortgage or <br />other public notice of record to indicate that real or personal property acquired or <br />improved in whole or in part with Federal funds is subject to the Federal Interest, and that <br />certain use and disposition requirements apply to the property. The statement of interest, <br />financing statement (Form UCC 1), lien, mortgage or other public notice must be <br />acceptable in form and substance to the DOC and must be placed on record in accordance <br />with applicable State and local law, with continuances re -filed as appropriate. In such <br />cases, the Grants Officer may further require the non -Federal entity to provide the DOC <br />with a written statement from a licensed attorney in the jurisdiction where the property is <br />located, certifying that the Federal Interest has been protected, as required under the <br />award and in accordance with applicable State and local law. The attorney's statement, <br />along with a copy of the instrument reflecting the recordation of the Federal Interest, must <br />be returned to the Grants Officer. Without releasing or excusing the non -Federal entity <br />from these obligations, the non -Federal entity, by execution of the financial assistance <br />award or by expending Federal financial assistance funds (in the case of a subrecipient), <br />authorizes the Grants Officer and/or program office to file such notices and continuations <br />as it determines to be necessary or convenient to disclose and protect the Federal Interest <br />in the property. The Grants Officer may elect not to release any or a portion of the Federal <br />award funds until the non -Federal entity has complied with this provision and any other <br />applicable award terms or conditions, unless other arrangements satisfactory to the Grants <br />Officer are made. <br />3. Intellectual Property Rights <br />a. General. The rights to any work or other intangible property produced or acquired under a <br />Federal award are determined by 2 C.F.R. § 200.315 (Intangible property). The non - <br />Federal entity owns any work produced or purchased under a Federal award subject to the <br />DOC's royalty -free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable right to obtain, reproduce, publish, or <br />otherwise use the work or authorize others to receive, reproduce, publish, or otherwise use <br />Page 34 <br />