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INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />Introduction <br />Indian River County adopted its Urban Service Boundary(USB) in 1990, which is an area of the County that <br />includes public facilities and services to accommodate suburban and urban growth, shown on Figure 1. <br />The USB is outlined in Future Land Use Element Objective 2, within the County's Comprehensive Plan. Per <br />Future Land Use Policy 2.2, the County is to encourage and direct growth into the USB (also known as the <br />Urban Service Area) through zoning, subdivision, and land development regulations. These regulations <br />shall promote efficient development by requiring utilization of the existing street system, extension of <br />public facilities where necessary, connection to the centralized potable water and sanitary sewer systems <br />where available, and incentives for mixed use projects. <br />The USB provides another important function as the County's urban growth boundary. Properties inside <br />the boundary are eligible for higher densities that are offered through the County's suburban and urban <br />land future land use map designations. Properties that are outside of the USB are restricted to a maximum <br />density of one dwelling unit per five acres. <br />Indian River County has experienced significant population growth since the adoption of the USB in 1990. <br />The population of the County has nearly doubled over that time frame, and population projections show <br />that the County will continue to experience growth through 2050. Further, projections show that the <br />unincorporated area accounts for 68% of the County's overall population, most of which is located within <br />the USB. As local population and development pressures continue to grow, the County has decided to <br />evaluate its existing USB to see if it should be expanded to accommodate future residents. <br />... The Urban Service Area is approximately 125,630 acres in size and includes all municipal areas within the <br />County: Fellsmere, Indian River Shores, Orchid, Sebastian, and Vero Beach. The Study Area for the <br />purposes of the analysis does not include incorporated areas, as those municipalities are subject to their <br />own population projections and comprehensive plans. The Urban Service Area, apart from the portion <br />which includes Fellsmere, is generally located east of Interstate 95 to the Atlantic Ocean. <br />For purposes of this report, a 151,176 acre Study Area (shown in Figure 1) was selected to focus the <br />analysis on the east side of the County. Of the total Study Area, approximately 42,659 acres are within <br />unincorporated Indian River County and within the USB. The remainder of the Study Area is comprised of <br />property that is within unincorporated Indian River County and outside of the USB (41,070 acres), property <br />that is incorporated (40,460 acres), and property that does not have assigned parcels such as rivers and <br />rights-of-way (26,987 acres). <br />This report provides the existing context of the USB, including demographic, regulatory, and infrastructure <br />information to better understand the Study Area. For the purposes of this analysis, the full Study Area was <br />divided into three subareas when visualizing detailed geospatial data: the North, Central and South Study <br />Areas. <br />EXISTING CONDITIONS <br />