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Traffic Engineering does not recommend Option #2, because of the <br />possible safety problems associated with the arbitrary placement of <br />"STOP" signs and speed bumps. <br />u r.ion .s: cnan a 16th Street to "RIGHT TURN ONLY" AT 58th Avenue <br />Changing westbound 16th Street to "RIGHT TURN ONLY" at 58th Avenue <br />would not result in a drop in level of service at the intersection. <br />Motorists desiring to go south on 58th Avenue (approximately 25 per <br />peak hour) however would be required to turn right and then u -turn <br />across 58th Avenue. <br />Traffic Engineering does not recommend Option #3, because of the <br />increased delay to southbound motorists. <br />Traffic Engineering recommends shortening the proposed left turn <br />lane to minimize storage. We are working with Rimley-Horn to make <br />the required changes. <br />Director Davis advised that staff plans to begin the bidding <br />process within a year to widen 43rd Avenue. One left turn lane <br />onto 16th Street=i-s contemplated in that widening process. <br />Director Davis stressed that eliminating the bridge at 16th <br />Street/58th Avenue would degrade the level of service of 43rd <br />Avenue and SR -60 and divert more traffic south to 12th Street. <br />Staff feels an important objective is to maintain the consistency <br />of the 1/2 mile spacing roadways. With respect to additional stop <br />signs, he explained that there is specific criteria for the <br />installation of stop signs in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control <br />Devices adopted by Florida Statutes. As to the bridge design, he <br />advised that staff expects to go to bid in late summer on the <br />project and cited several reasons why it is inappropriate to <br />redesign it. <br />Director Davis explained the drawings that appear below. He <br />described how -staff --:had worked with and tried to adjust plans to <br />suit Dr. and Mrs. Vinson. _The Vinson are not willing to sell any <br />of their property for right-of-way to accommodate a transition lane <br />so staff has had to reduce the right-of-way needs and the storage <br />of the left -turn lane. <br />21 <br />April 8, 1997 <br />BOOK .10i PAGE <br />