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Solid Waste Disposal District Manager Ron Brooks explained that the basic fee assessed on <br />developed residential properties covers general household waste, but does not cover unusual waste <br />such as construction and demolition (C & D) debris. Concrete is C & D debris and is charged at $3 <br />per ton if it is free of steel or other trash, including paint, ("clean") as it can be used for road beds or to <br />stabilize the bank of the borrow pit bank "Dirty" concrete is charged at $30 per ton because it has to <br />go to the C & D site to be buried. He also explained the requirement for loads to be covered and that <br />the scale operators are responsible for checking the loads. The purpose is to eliminate debris from <br />falling off vehicles and becoming litter or a safety threat on highways.. <br />Mr. Tomey was dissatisfied with the explanation and restated his argument in detail. <br />All attempts by Commissioners, County Attorney Vitunac, Administrator Chandler, and Mr. <br />Brooks to explain the County's and State's regulations were not accepted by Mr. Tomey. <br />Commissioner Ginn stated she would look into the justification of the charges. <br />Commissioner Adams commenter that she felt the charges are appropriate. <br />No action taken. <br />9.B.2. CORRIDOR PLAN FOR SR -60 <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONSIDERATION <br />TO ADOPT THE PROPOSED SR 60 CORRIDOR <br />All interested parties are invited to attend a public discussion <br />during a regular meeting of the Indian River County Board of <br />County Commissioners. <br />• Topic: Consideration to adopt the proposed SR 60 <br />Corridor Plan. Plan area boundaries.- East - <br />43rd Avenue; West - 102nd Avenue; South - <br />l6th Street; North - 26th Street. The <br />proposed plan would require special <br />enhancements and establish certain <br />restrictions on landscaping, signage, and <br />architectural aspects of development. <br />• location: Commission Chambers, County <br />Administration Building 1840 25th Street, <br />Vero Beach, Florida. <br />0 Date & rime: Tuesday, April 22, 1997; 9:05 a.m. <br />Copies of the draft plan proposal will be available at the county <br />planning office by Wednesday, April 16, 1997. <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />BY -s- Carolyn K. Eggert <br />REGARDING PLANNING MATTERS, PLEASE CONTACT THE PLAN- <br />NING OFFICE AT 567- 8000 EXT. 242. <br />ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS <br />MEETING MUST CONTACT THE COUNTY'S AMERICANS WITH <br />DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) COORDINATOR AT 567-8000 X 223 AT <br />LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF MEETING. <br />31970 <br />25 <br />April 22, 1997 <br />P.O. Box 1268 Vero Beach, Florida 32961 562-2315 <br />— is <br />ire,00 Journal <br />COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER: STATE OF FLORIDA <br />Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Daryl K. <br />Hicks who on oath says that he is President of the Press -Journal, a <br />daily newspaper published at Vero Beach in Indian River County, <br />Florida; that <br />A'1 <br />billed t <br />was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of <br />Ad_ is <br />Sworn to and subscribed before me this <br />ay of 'T ! 5'% 7 A. <br />President <br />64y Comm Expires ' <br />August 25.1697 <br />sa:: ,.-r..c.:t... - ra.:o.: 7 A.Z— c 35 ,*r• <br />W CC31uW t - <br />Q . <br />srgTE0Ff1.�Q`��; <br />9� h, <br />S1y�' <br />"'k, <br />80�9r, 10 1 FAE <br />