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BOnr <br />Gene Waddell, Chairman of the SR -60 Task Force, gave a brief synopsis of the committee's <br />task and committee member's efforts. He thanked staff members from Planning and County <br />Attorney's offices. He advised that the plan to be presented was unanimously approved by both the <br />Task Force and the Planning & Zoning Committee and he hoped the Board would feel the same way. <br />Planning Director Stan Boling reviewed a Memorandum of April 16, 1997. <br />TO: James Chandler <br />County Administrator <br />DWI S AON HEAD <br />-R-obert M. Keatin , AICP <br />Community Develo menu irector <br />FROM: Stan Boling AICP <br />Planning Director <br />DATE: April 16, 1997 <br />SUBJECT: Consideration of the Proposed SR 60 Corridor Plan <br />It is requested that the data herein presented be given formal <br />consideration by the Board of County Commissioners at its regular <br />meeting of April 22, 1997. <br />• ;.• • • �4 • �riu • + • • M <br />On May 7, 1996, the Board of County Commissioners appointed a Task <br />Force to work with staff to develop a plan for the SR 60 corridor <br />from 43rd Avenue to 102nd Avenue. On February 14, 1997, the Task <br />Force completed its work and unanimously recommended adoption of .a <br />proposed plan (see attachment #3). Subsequently, on March 13, <br />1997, the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed plan <br />and unanimously recommended approval, with some minor changes (see <br />attachment #8). <br />The Board is now to consider adopting the proposed plan. If the <br />Board adopts the plan, then staff will initiate an LDR amendment to <br />incorporate the plan's regulations into the county code (LDRs). <br />In May 1995, as part of a request to appoint a task force to <br />develop a corridor plan for the CR 510/US 1 area in Wabasso, staff <br />obtained approval from the Board of County Commissioners to prepare <br />a corridor plan for SR 60. The following May (1996), after the <br />Wabasso Corridor Plan had been adopted, staff and the "SR 60 <br />Coalition" (a group of residents' associations from developments <br />located on SR 60) requested that the Board appoint a task force to <br />develop a SR 60 corridor plan. In response, the Board appointed a <br />17 member task force consisting of residents, commercial property <br />owners, real estate professionals, and design professionals (see <br />attachment #2). <br />At that time, the Board also agreed with staff's request to apply <br />"interim SR 60 enhancement requirements" to development project <br />applications within the corridor prior to approval of a formal <br />26 <br />April 22, 1997 <br />