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corridor plan. From June, 1996 to February, 1997, the SR 60 Task <br />Force held 13 public meetings, including a field trip to other <br />corridors. During that time, input was received from interested <br />citizens, design professionals, FDOT staff, City of Vero Beach <br />electric staff, FP&L staff, and county staff. Also, technical <br />assistance was donated by Urban Resource Group, a Vero Beach <br />consulting firm, and local AIA (American Institute of Architects) <br />architects, including Peter Jones and Nick Roseland. <br />The plan has been fully reviewed by the Task Force and the Planning <br />and Zoning Commission. Both recommend that the Board approve the <br />plan. <br />•Corridor Plan Boundaries <br />The proposed plan, if adopted, would be effective only within the <br />defined corridor plan area boundaries. The east and west <br />boundaries, 43rd Avenue and 102nd Avenue respectively, coincide <br />with the Urban Service Area boundaries of the unincorporated area <br />of the county along SR 60. The north and south boundaries, 26th <br />Street and 16th Street respectively, cover all <br />commercial/industrial properties along SR 60, and the higher <br />density residential properties within } mile of SR 60. There is a <br />mixture of uses within the corridor plan area, including: single <br />-family and multi -family residential, institutional, office, <br />commercial, and industrial. <br />•Impact of the Plan <br />If adopted, the plan will impact public improvements within the <br />corridor as well as new private development and re -development. <br />Through non -conformity provisions, the plan's standards will have <br />some impact on existing development. However, the plan will <br />impact various properties differently, depending upon use. While <br />single family development is exempt from all proposed corridor plan <br />requirements, multi -family development is exempted from some of the <br />proposed landscaping and architectural requirements, and <br />industrial development is exempted from some of the proposed <br />architectural requirements. Most of the proposed requirements will <br />apply to commercial, office and institutional uses. <br />The corridor plan will further aesthetic -related comprehensive plan <br />policies; however, no land use plan changes and no zoning district <br />changes will be made by adopting the plan, and none are needed. If <br />the plan is adopted, staff will depict the corridor area boundaries <br />on the county zoning atlas, to alert staff and the public as to <br />which properties are within the -corridor. <br />•Plan Vision & Purpose <br />The plan's vision statement (see p.2 of the plan) is as follows: <br />"As a significant business and residential center, and a major <br />entranceway 'into Indian River County, the corridor will have an <br />attractive, orderly and uncluttered appearance. The corridor will <br />be characterized by impressive native vegetation and landscaping; <br />complementary buildings and signs with enhanced designs and <br />aesthetic appearances; and a safe transportation -system that <br />accommodates mass transit, pedestrians, bicycles, and other <br />transportation alternatives, as well as automobiles." <br />The plan's purpose is to promote positive aspects of public and <br />private development while avoiding negative aspects of such <br />development. The,proposed plan accomplishes this purpose by the <br />following: <br />27 <br />April 22, 1997 60! a. <br />